Is innate immune system functionally subverted & altered in those injected with the mRNA technology based COVID injections? Yes! Evidence (Föhse et al.) show that TLR 7/8 (toll like receptors 7 & 8)
by Paul Alexander
actions are suppressed in those COVID vaccinated (with Pfizer); vaccination with Pfizer modulated innate immune responses as measured by the production of inflammatory cytokines; decreased IFN-α
'Pfizer vaccination ‘induced effective humoral and cellular immunity against SARS-CoV-2 that started to wane after six months…
also observed long-term transcriptional changes in immune cells after vaccination, as assessed by RNA sequencing. Additionally, vaccination with Pfizer BNT162b2 modulated innate immune responses as measured by the production of inflammatory cytokines when stimulated with various microbial stimuli other than SARS-CoV-2, including higher IL-1/IL-6 release and decreased production of IFN-α. Altogether, these data expand our knowledge regarding the overall immunological effects of this new class of vaccines.’