If elderly fall to common colds & flu, they cannot respond immunologically to the cold (over 80, underlying medical conditions) due to immuno-senescence, then Yeadon says, how could they to COVID VAX?
by Paul Alexander
Yeadon is 100% spot on, Howard Tenenbaum is 100% spot on, this is the issue, our elderly are & were low-hanging fruit & the virus did what it does NORMALLY'; elderly SHOULD NOT get vaccine
COVID did not behave any differently than it should have as a respiratory virus, with our elderly etc. The median/mean age of death from COVID remains 82 with 2-3 underlying medical conditions. 2/3 or 70% of deaths in America in elderly had 6 or more medical conditions. Sick, very sick people. If life-expectancy is 79 years, COVID did not cut life short. Do you get that? No healthy American child across the 3 years of this pandemic has died from COVID infection. Not one!