It's a lie, all they have said for 2 years on COVID, on Iraq, on Afghanistan, the media, the govn, all of it, see the lie with Zelensky on the battlefield in kevlar, it too was a lie, like COVID, a lie
by Paul Alexander
Yahoo, imagine Yahoo telling the truth, ha ha ha...Photo of Ukrainian President Zelensky in military gear was taken in 2021 — before Russian invasion; imagine I am praising the corrupt rag Yahoo
Photo of Ukrainian President Zelensky in military gear was taken in 2021 — before Russian invasion; it is NOT of Zelensky now in the battle with Russia; this was fabricated
Remember this lie too, of the raid on Bin Laden, we were given photos of BHO and his team with startled Clinton as they watched real time Bin Laden killed…turns out Panetta said (and wrote) there was a long period of blanks screens, and this photo they were looking at a blank screen…there was para a power cut or short circuit and they could see nothing…all those earnest stares and the like were fake…like all of it. all of COVID….just BS…
Obama and Clinton watching live as Bin Laden is killed, only thing is it was a blank screen, all meant to bull shit you and us as usual...we believe nothing, nothing these people ever we learnt in COVID...all smokescreens and deceive and shape their corrupted narrative...what to believe? I dont know anymore, who is good and who is bad...
you saw this right?
and was told this right?
Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House
but listen to this by Leon Panetta, chief of staff in the room itself... watch Leon interview and listen, it was all a lie...a blank screen...yet watch these people lie to you...they saw nothing. But looking at their facial expressions and body language, it was meant to deceive…all of it is always a lie.