"Pediatric Infectious Disease Group (GPIP) position paper on the immune debt of the COVID-19 pandemic in childhood, how can we fill the immunity gap?" You cannot, it is now damaged, RSV is example

by Paul Alexander

We have damaged children's innate immunity & the needed training with the 3 years of non-sensical lockdown lunacy, legacy of Fauci & Birx & Francis Collins, pain & death of our kids, now with vaccine

The immune systems of our children have been damaged and subverted due to the lockdowns and now we will devastate the immune system (innate immune system training) with this fraud harmful COVID gene injection.

The writers of this paper (Cohen et al.) are non-sensical and illogical in their thinking. They are partly correct in the paper but the assumption that low COVID vaccine uptake can contribute to the ‘immunity debt’ is flat wrong. In fact, this gene injection can and will subvert the normal innate immune training needed in children and which then protects them against a broad range of glycosylated pathogen. Not taking this injection actually is the best most optimal step parents can take. The immunity gap is due no doubt to the lockdowns and school closures and thus limited exposure. The COVID vaccine has failed and no statistical zero risk child must be in receipt of these shots. None. No healthy child has died from COVID post infection. Parents should understand this.



Cohen, Ashman, Varon, Taha

‘Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, reduced incidence of many viral and bacterial infections has been reported in children: bronchiolitis, varicella, measles, pertussis, pneumococcal and meningococcal invasive diseases. The purpose of this opinion paper is to discuss various situations that could lead to larger epidemics when the non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) imposed by the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic will no longer be necessary. While NPIs limited the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, they also reduced the spread of other pathogens during and after lockdown periods, despite the re-opening of schools since June 2020 in France.

This positive collateral effect in the short term is welcome as it prevents additional overload of the healthcare system. The lack of immune stimulation due to the reduced circulation of microbial agents and to the related reduced vaccine uptake induced an "immunity debt" which could have negative consequences when the pandemic is under control and NPIs are lifted. The longer these periods of "viral or bacterial low-exposure" are, the greater the likelihood of future epidemics.

This is due to a growing proportion of "susceptible" people and a declined herd immunity in the population. The observed delay in vaccination program without effective catch-up and the decrease in viral and bacterial exposures lead to a rebound risk of vaccine-preventable diseases. With a vaccination schedule that does not include vaccines against rotavirus, varicella, and serogroup B and ACYW Neisseria meningitidis, France could become more vulnerable to some of these rebound effects.’