Is there ressearch showing the deadliness of PEG, polyethylene glycol [PEG]? Yes, Mambule et al. showed accelerated Alzheimer’s-like changes (secondary systemic amyloid) in mice after PEG was
by Paul Alexander
injected; secondary systemic amyloid (AA-type amyloid) formation; Amyloid deposits were detectable at day 3 in animals injected with amyloid fibrils and in those injected with PEG & in controls, none
‘The mechanism behind amyloid formation is unknown in all types of amyloidosis. Several substances can enhance amyloid formation in animal experiments. To induce secondary systemic amyloid (AA-type amyloid) formation, we injected silver nitrate into mice together with either amyloid fibrils obtained from patients with familial polyneuropathy (FAP) type I or polyethylene glycol (PEG). Mice injected with silver nitrate only served as controls. Amyloid deposits were detectable at day 3 in animals injected with amyloid fibrils and in those injected with PEG, whereas in control mice, deposits were not noted before day 12. Our results indicate that amyloid fibrils from FAP patients and even a non-sulfate containing polysaccharide (PEG) have the potential to act as amyloid-enhancing factors.’
And not only from PEG, but from cationic lipids etc.