Holm Hansen et al.; remember this paper December 2021 told us what we already knew March 2021 that vax failed, "Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants

by Paul Alexander

following a two-dose or booster BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination series: A Danish study"; the VE is significantly lower than that against Delta infection and declines rapidly over just a few months.

The graphs are telling and it is the only aspect of the paper I will re-publish for I have shared this paper one year ago as it was seminal. You tell me if you think after looking at the graphs for both mRNA gene injections (Pfizer and Moderna), that one year ago we did not already know the gene injection was garbage and that once you started the shots, you would need it for the rest of your life (IV bag booster every 24 hours or so) given it was subverting and damaging your immune system and was providing no protection. Booster treadmill you are now on. So look at the vaccine effectiveness 3 months out as both shots are well below the line of ‘0’ vaccine effectiveness (VE) and by the look of things, if the VE is so low by 60 days, then you will need a shot every month or 30 days (and soon into negative VE):

See table below and look at 2 months out for both gene injections for OMICRON (9.8 and 4.2% for Pfizer and Moderna respectively), see how low the vaccine effectiveness is and see how it plunges below ‘0’ into negative effectiveness territory at 3 months, such that your risk of infection is dramatically increased from 90 days out (-76.5 and -39.3%):

And the researchers concluded:

‘In light of the exponential rise in Omicron cases, these findings highlight the need for massive rollout of vaccinations and booster vaccinations.’

Are these researchers drunk or were they drunk while writing the paper? For that conclusion is typical ‘woke’ politicized ‘conflicted’ (we cannot anger the funding-granting agencies so we have to table the accurate results but conclude something completely opposite to what the data is showing) writing and it is ludicrous and non-sensical and downright reckless. This study en face shows both gene injections failed! Time to pull their grants!

