Time for Ron to shut it down and unify behind Donaldus Magnus, the next POTUS 2024; it is time! was always written but I guess he had to see, likely a great man, would be POTUS, but not now, nation
by Paul Alexander
needs Donaldus now, no one else, no one has the stones and temerity, we need MANDINGO up in there to tear DC up! tear it up! burn it to the very studs, remake it, all alphabet health agenices stripped
‘GOP nominee Ron DeSantis was met with a large number of empty seats at a meet and greet event in Iowa, photos shared online have revealed.
The Florida Governor hoped to resurrect his flagging campaign at a number of events across the Hawkeye State this weekend.
DeSantis visited Cedar Falls before he ate breakfast at the Vinton Family Restaurant before heading to a meet and greet at a livestock auction in Tama.’