COVID vaccine adverse events; pharmacovigilance reporting of Covid-19 vax in four (4) vaccine adverse event reporting databases: VigiAccess (WHO), CDC (VAERS), EudraVigilance (Europe), UK Yellow Card
by Paul Alexander
Present data indicates tens of thousands of deaths & millions of adverse effects due to the COVID-19 injections in these 4 vaccine databases; this is a clear safety signal warranting STOPPING, NO kids
7,000,000 (7 million) adverse events.
What evidence do we have from these 4 vaccine adverse events reporting systems?
Firstly, 53,000 deaths yet we know VAES as an example captures at most 10% of the burden.
Approximately 7,000,000 adverse events e.g. in WHO (3,800,000), VAERS (860,000), EudraVigilance (1,800,000) & UK Yellow card system (450,000)
1)The World Health Organization (WHO) – VigiAccess
2)The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
3)EudraVigilance – European Database of Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction Reports
4)Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency – UK Yellow Card Reporting Site