MONKEYPOX (not smallpox) with gay sexual contact as well as bisexual contact; look, let us stop eff in around; the data and reporting has it localized at this time to the gay community; say that!

by Paul Alexander

You public health officials & woke morons can't get past this? tell the people the fact that high-risk behavior like gay sex is a problem at this time; STOP it at this time to get this under control!

It is the bisexual activity that is the real issue as this bisexual behavior can spread this into the general heterosexual low risk societies. This is the issue so stop eff in around with your word games and man up and tell the population to behave for the moment, maybe for one month to stop transmission.

It’s that simple! End the eff in politics! You people at CDC and NIH and FDA and Trump and Biden administration shut the nations and world down for over one year, maybe two, savaged us with your lockdown lunacy and school closures, suffered people, caused countless suicides, deprived business owners and employees, harmed us and then brought us a failed non-sterilizing non-neutralizing vaccine that not only does not stop infection or transmission, but actually enhances infection in the vaccinated. Causes hospitalization and death. Go see the UK data in Feb and March this year 2022, the double and triple vaccinated and persons 50 years and above. Data was definitive that from 18-29 years old age bands and above, there was a roughly 3 fold increased risk of infection in the vaccinated. So the damn vaccine is a pure failure and harmful! You suffered our elderly, failed to properly use early treatment and subjected them to misery and loneliness in hospitals, dying in agony alone, no family. Anxious, depressed, suffering. And you can’t tell the gay and bisexual community to calm it a bit, no sex for one month? You shut us down for 2 years but can’t tell the gay population to behave for 3 weeks to one month?

It is gay transmission based on all reports. So damn it, come out and say it, focus on the risk group, acute contact tracing, and stop trying to tell me and most of society it’s our problem. It is not! No mass vaccination, no mass quarantine, no lockdowns, no masking etc. Stop it!

Focus on the gay and bisexual community, no stigmatization, no slander, no demeaning…no, we have compassion and care for all and we treat this as an infection and not the person, we do not smear the person…we treat every human being humanely and equally…always…just you CDC and NIH and public health, do your eff in ‘non-political’ non-work jobs and get this dealt with. Stop playing around! Tell the affected at-risk community what they NEED to know about the risk, they need your guidance, they need public service announcements (PSAs), tell them the transmission mechanism, and how to mitigate risk. Tell them! Stop eff in around CDC and NIH, this can leach into the non-gay community via bisexual transmission. Fast. I would write it again here but you do some work for a change, CDC. Go read my prior stacks.

If it’s localized there at present, that’s the situation. If it changes, then we update the knowledge base and act accordingly.