November 2nd, 2021

by External News Sources

Bombshell Swedish study finds covid jabs provide no lasting protection, immunity plunges to ZERO in mere months

The CDC Must Explain the Endgame for School Masking Mandates | Opinion

Will Kids Be Forced To Get A COVID Vaccine? | Opinion

High recorded mortality in countries categorized as “Covid-19 Vaccine Champions"

The Historic Psyop of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Will You Surrender or Will You Stand?

COVID-19 vaccination rates among eastern European diaspora become cause for concern

Judge Pauses Chicago Vaccine Mandate Deadline for Police

There's no Delta-specific booster coming to save you - what we have is good enough

Pretending We Can Vaccinate Our Way Out of This Pandemic Is Dangerous — Especially for Kids

How Fauci Fooled America | Opinion

The Vaccines Cannot Do What Is Asked of Them

swedish study shows covid vaccines drop below zero efficacy on spread by about 200 days

Louisiana Teenager Given COVID-19 Vaccine Without Parental Permission

CDC Advisors Unanimously Endorse Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine for Kids 5-11 Despite Expert Concerns Over Clinical Data

Chinese Media Promote Beijing Lawyer Saying COVID-19 Laws Could Allow ‘Death Penalty’

J&J COVID Vaccine Recipients See Higher Risk of Blood Clots: Mayo Clinic Study

The FDA told Moderna it needs more time to review use of their COVID-19 vaccine for kids


China lab created coronavirus ‘10,000-times stronger than usual’ as fears rage over Wuhan ‘leak’, scientists warn

Abp. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: the Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’

Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff on Vaccine Passports, the Delta Variant, and the COVID ‘Public Health Fiasco’

How Health Officials Accelerated the Diabetes Pandemic

Children Shouldn’t Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Harvard Professor Says

Age- and Sex-Specific Incidence of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Associated With Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 Vaccination

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial