Alejo et al. 2022 Prevalence and Durability of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among Unvaccinated US Adults by History of COVID-19; another huge win for NATURAL immunity
by Paul Alexander
Anti-RBD levels were observed after a positive COVID-19 test result up to 20 months, extending previous 6-month durability data.
Limitations are: a cross-sectional study design, a convenience sample with an unknown degree of selection bias due to public recruitment, self-reported COVID-19 test results, the study population being largely White and healthy, and lack of information on breakthrough infections. Participants were given only 1 month to complete antibody testing, which may have contributed to the 52% rate among those invited to test. Yet with these, one could argue these findings and methods are robust enough to be quite credible and holding utility.
However, researchers reported ‘antibodies were detected in 99% of individuals who reported a positive COVID-19 test result, in 55% who believed they had COVID-19 but were never tested, and in 11% who believed they had never had COVID-19 infection. Anti-RBD levels were observed after a positive COVID-19 test result up to 20 months, extending previous 6-month durability data’.
The magic about these studies are that it shows if you ran the study for 100 years you will then conclude that natural immunity lasts 100 years. So when in the beginning CDC and NIH reported natural immunity lasted 3 or 5 months, its because the study was run for 3 months. Thats how crooked these people are. So its not that natural immunity lasts for 20 months, its the study was stopped then or follow-up ended then. Its just corrupted science. But a win nonetheless.