Marty Makary, MD, I have appeared on FOX with him, brilliant scientist, wanted him to be tougher early on but love the guy, is on the money again, brilliant, huge GONADS always!
by Paul Alexander
'A federal judge struck down cloth mask mandates for non-eating & drinking travelers. Instead of gracefully apologizing for the inconsistencies & failure of CDC to study cloth masks, health...
…officials kept a tight grip on the policy right to the bitter end.’
I got no faults with him, I felt he should have come out clear on the vaccines but en toto, very balanced, smart, deep, and beyond all the other idiots and morons and egg heads and purely stupid illogical asinine doctors and scientists who go on FOX and CNN etc…the lockdown lunatics etc. who also shill on vaccines.
Was cold on V Prasad but across time, I get him, I see where he is coming from, don’t like the vaccine angle but on balance, will take him still for he is smart and an advocate, so huge praise…let’s say we question in different ways and he is not out for money, I know the ones who are money whores and self advertisers.