More trucker convoy photos Sunday February 13th 2022, from my view on the stage speaking to the crowd and other vantage points; it was magical; Roger and I and other great people

by Paul Alexander

It is here now we must hold the line...the weather may improve and this has been the rate limiting step...but still massive support by Canadians, it is truly magical.

Walking to the stage in Ottawa to talk, we had at all times approx. 12-15 active and off duty RCMP and Ottawa and OPP police as security details given threats, Hodkinson is back in this pack ‘somewhere’…threats were real and constant

Walking to the stage in Ottawa to talk, we had at all times approx. 12-15 active and off duty RCMP and Ottawa and OPP police as security details given threats, Hodkinson is back in this pack ‘somewhere’…threats were real and constant

Premier Peckford and I and surrounding police

The lying media writes that it's a few people, this is one view from the stage and as you can see, as far as the eyes could go…how deep the crowd was, this was Saturday FEB 12th, 2022 and this was the view 360 degrees

Active Mountie RCMP heading off our speech preceding Peckford, Roger, and I…talking of his own concerns of the vaccine to the RCMP.

Bernier and Premier Peckford, signed the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms

Peckford speaking

Maxime speaking