Nurse, ex-soldier, in XX State (lower US state) hospital, video-taped COVID response & treatment in hospital; showed how remdesivir killed & ventilators; share videos of...
by Paul Alexander
patients with ventilator tubes fused to their skin, no one would change it or fix it, left to rot, patients filmed on tablets saying good bye to family but from neck down covered, under covers...
from the neck up was their face fixed up for the tablet viewing by family, but under the covers, neck down, pure feces in mounds and maggots…no one touched them or changed them or tended to them, left to die. She will share what she saw and taped and it is horrendous what was done to our people and how terrible they were treated in hospitals. Stand by…I will be discussing. I know she has shared content already for her own safety. What you will see defies any human explanation and will ravage you. It will horrify you. You would not think hospitals and human beings would treat others like this.
I will be talking to her shortly. I will get her to talk and she wants to.
Our goal with this is to ensure we never ever do this to people again and we never allow Faucis and Birxs and Francis Collins of the world, these technocrat inept kleptocrats, the CDC and NIH, these demons, to do the terrible things they did…
I also warn, I am about to share information on the COIVD vaccines that you must come to know that only I can share. Because of where I worked and what was told to me. The key information you would want to know. I have shared it widely already for safe keeping. I needed some time to safe guard it. And me and my family.