STEVE Deace: If we think it can't happen to us, we're dead wrong; he was referring to Mike Lindell, aka the My Pillow Guy, aka MAGA threat to the republic

by Paul Alexander


Deace: If we think it can't happen to us, we're dead wrong

“Mike Lindell, aka the My Pillow Guy, aka MAGA threat to the republic, had his car surrounded at a fast food drive-through and is now being investigated by Biden’s totes legit (we promise!) Department of Injustice for (of all things) identity theft.

Otherwise known as whatever the sam hill the Spirit of the Age’s jack-booted thugs wanted to make up out of thin air to justify harassing someone who dares dissent from the regime. Pro tip: Given the current state of our injustice system, Lindell could rest assured he’d be avoiding prison time provided he’d done the following instead:…

…We are somewhere between the “late republic nonsense” and “banana republic” turnpikes on the Highway to Hell, with the pedal to the metal all the way to the ash heap of history. Devil may care – and trust me, he cares quite a bit – nothing is stopping us from reaching our final destination if the mob outside Lot’s house has its way. A country that once began with “we the people” is now buried under “here lies managed decay.”