Kedl et al. showed us evidence for Aerosol Transfer of COVID-specific Humoral Immunity (antibodies); we are left to then ask, can lipid-nano particles (LPN), spike protein & mRNA also be aerosolized?
by Paul Alexander
Yes, yes, yes, and yes a 4th time! see my prior stack on this; see Keld et al. below. Finding antibodies on the inside of the masks in vaccinated persons indicates transmission
data we shown provides evidence for a new mechanism by which herd immunity may be manifested, the aerosol transfer of antibodies between immune and non- immune hosts.
‘Utilizing a flow cytometry-based Multiplex Microsphere Immunoassay (MMIA) to detect SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies (Fig 1A and B) 4,5 and a method previously used to elute antibody from rehydrated dried blood spots (DBS),’ researchers ‘identified anti-SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies eluted from surgical face masks worn by vaccinated lab members donated at the end of one workday. Consistent with the results reported by others,’ they ‘identified both IgG and IgA in saliva from vaccinated individuals (Fig 1C and D). It was therefore not surprising to detect both IgG and IgA following elution of antibody from face masks (Fig 1C and D).’
‘obtained nasal swabs from children living in households in which parents or family members had varying degrees of SARS-CoV2-specifc immunity, including those unvaccinated, vaccinated and COVID-19+. Initial comparison of nasal swabs acquired from children living in vaccinated households revealed readily detectable SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG (Fig 1E), especially when compared to the complete deficit of SARSCoV-2-specific antibody detected in the few nasal swabs we obtained from children in nonvaccinated households.’