My colleague Dr. John Littell reminds us, do not go treating children with all sorts of drugs; COVID now is a common cold, flu like, just use OTC treatments; manifests primarily as cold or flu like

by Paul Alexander

A question was posed by another clinician about treating a 14 year old who tested positive and here is Littell's response in an internal communication I am part of; see suggested OTC remedies

I agree with him 100%. And this is why we are saying the use of prevention like nasal oral washes, washings hands, remains the key to keeping all pathogen at bay.

The issue is of balance. HCQ and IVM have been shown to be safe, very safe and used by hundreds of millions prior to COVID and very effective and safe as indicated. Safety is not the issue IMO. His view is not on safety but on the reaction and ensuring we do not over react and remain in Rambo mode. We have to think through things always and if we know early treatment works and has been effective etc. we can’t just be giving it to any and everyone who is positive. Even if safe. The test may be wrong and we have to consider the morbidity and mortality on deck with the dominant variant. This variant is presenting like the cold. The decisions remain with us but what he is saying is very sensible, common sense.

At the same time, we have to consider the vaccine driving infectious variants and potentially (selection pressure) a more virulent/lethal one in the future. But at present, we have to focus on the variant at hand.

Starts here:

“Please for the sake of our own integrity as a medical profession, let’s be sure we know what in fact we are treating when we treat people who “test positive“ for Covid.

Hence, I see no reason to be offering remedies other than usual OTC formulations and of course, vitamin D, C, zinc etc.

I believe we are doing our patients and ourselves a disservice by continuing to prescribe HQ and or IVM in the vast majority of cases.

And in so doing, we are placing too much importance on the need for patients to seek out medical attention urgently. This is also driving the narrative of fear, the demand for vaccines, the continued masking, quarantining, and, perhaps most egregiously, the unnecessary testing of children and others who are simply afflicted with a common cold.

Everyone needs to understand that the hospitals are complicit with these fear mongering tactics. They are continuing to test people for Covid even though minimal or no symptoms and then placing them in isolation and offering Remdesivir and other futile and/or dangerous treatments.”

Another colleague wrote:

“Nutraceuticals and hygiene I feel are essential foundations of health and treatment in all instances. We must also have a nuanced approach to each individual child in addition watching for certain signs or symptoms that may benefit from further interventions beyond the essential foundations. Evaluating the risk benefit reward of such possible interventions for the individual taking into account the previous mentioned societal implications of over treatment. We must be careful not to go the same way as our opponents in stressing the societal harms in intervention when an individual may need the assistance. weighing these competing duties is the responsibility of the physician, knowing the individual takes priority.”

OTC Nutraceuticals for PREVENTION (scroll down for TREATMENT)


Vitamin D, 3000-5000 IU per day

Zinc, 25-50 mg per day

Vitamin C, 1000-3000 IU per day

Quercetin, 500 mg per day

N-Acetyl Cysteine 500-650 mg day


Vitamin D, 3000-5000 IU per day

Zinc, 20 mg per day

Vitamin C, 1000 IU per day

Elderberry chewables, 100-150 mg per day

N-Acetyl Cysteine 500 mg day

CHILDREN AGES 4-11 (children under 4 are in danger of choking on chewable supplements)

Vitamin D chewables, 2000-3000 IU per day

Zinc chewables, 20 mg per day

Vitamin C chewables, 1000 IU per day

Elderberry chewables, 100-150 mg per day

OTC Nutraceuticals for TREATMENT


Vitamin D, 10,000 IU per day

Zinc, 50 mg per day

Vitamin C, 3000 IU per day

Quercetin, 1000 mg per day

N-Acetyl Cysteine, 650 mg day

Black seed oil, 40-80 mg/kg per day

Melatonin, 3-5 mg per day, before bedtime


Vitamin D, 3000-5000 IU per day

Zinc, 20 mg per day

Vitamin C, 1000 IU per day

Elderberry chewables, 100-150 mg per day

N-Acetyl Cysteine, 500 mg day

Black seed oil, 40-80 mg/kg per day

Melatonin, 1-5 mg per day, before bedtime

CHILDREN AGES 4-11 (children under 4 are in danger of choking on chewable supplements)

Vitamin D chewables, 2000-3000 IU per day

Zinc chewables, 20 mg per day

Vitamin C chewables, 1000 IU per day

Elderberry chewables, 100-150 mg per day

N-Acetyl Cysteine, 500 mg per day

Black seed oil chewables, 40-80 mg/kg per day

Melatonin, 1-3 mg per day, before bedtime