GUNS; Dr. Robert Yoho's seriously good advice on handling your guns, getting trained etc.; I support the 2nd in full for women especially for her to defend herself, the gay community & all of us
by Paul Alexander
GUN handling tips; I do not like violence, but I am prepared to use force when my life or my family's is threatened in a deadly manner; I support the 2nd amendment and am for gun rights (legal)
Tip: do not go phucking with the guns if you have no training. Get training. Learn to shoot and handle your weapon FIRST! My advice. Now over to my friend Robert which starts here:
‘Most places in the US offer concealed carry permits, and even Los Angeles County is becoming more permissive. Certain other states are “Constitutional carry” or “open carry,” which require less training and paperwork.
HERE ARE A FEW BASICS for beginners. Gun geeks quibble over advice like this, and in their defense, the issues are complex. I will post a more comprehensive article written by an expert soon.
Handgun carry has been simplified by Kydex plastic holsters that fit the gun on a heavy, stiff belt. The weapon is held in these securely yet can be drawn easily. The trigger is shielded so the gun can be safely carried with a bullet in the chamber. It snaps into the holster with a click, and as long as it is there, it cannot be fired. The combination of right holster and belt is surprisingly comfortable (Nexbelt is an incredible synthetic design). These together cost about $150. If you are a cheapskate and buy leather, you will give up an important layer of safety.
Glocks are the most popular handgun for a reason—reliability, simplicity, and ease of operation. Smaller weapons are less than two pounds. They have no true safety, but most authorities consider this an advantage. The Kydex holsters themselves are a reliable safety.
Never point a gun at anyone unless you mean to shoot! And never point it at yourself. Be especially careful when replacing the gun in the holster. If you get your clothing entangled, it could pull the trigger and shoot you somewhere embarrassing.
Keep your finger high and off the trigger unless you mean to shoot. This requires training.
More than 80 percent of gun carriers, including police, use 9-millimeter ammunition. Several types of expanding bullets make this relatively small caliber powerful. Some defenders prefer a bigger round such as a .40 or a .45. These kick more, but if the target is struck, a single bullet often stops the threat.
Non-lethal weapons such as pepper spray are important, inexpensive tools, but when criminals have potentially lethal methods, guns may be the only way to protect yourself.
Tasers get the target under control about half the time. When they fail, it really pisses off the person getting tased, and this invariably makes a bad situation worse.
Some places allow open carry, but except for police this is a mistake because it telegraphs the location of the gun. The weapon can potentially be stolen and even used against the owner.
Training, study, and practice on the range are necessary to make you safe and effective.
Never fire warning shots and always shoot at the center of mass.
Semi-automatics are modern weapons that automatically load another bullet each time they are fired. The quality brands seldom jam. Revolvers or “wheel guns” are an older, bulkier design. Contrary to street mythology, extensive experience at gun ranges prove that they are less reliable.
The police cannot show up immediately. You need to be able to take care of yourself.
Most self-protection consists of having the right attitude, staying alert, being polite, and avoiding trouble. You should always be prepared to apologize to jackasses to avoid confrontations. And as John Correia says, don’t go to stupid places, do stupid things, with stupid people, at stupid times of the night.
For many common situations, calling the police is a true last resort. For example, if you have a relative or friend who always acts crazy but never hurts anyone, they could get shot if you dial 911. Law enforcement cannot read minds and must rely on their immediate perceptions of what they see and hear.
It is generally defensible to shoot someone threatening others with guns or other deadly force. But in some situations, just showing others that you have a gun is a crime called “brandishing.” Firing it is an absolute, absolute last resort. You will face legal consequences regardless of the circumstances.
If you are involved in a shooting and the police come, keep your hands in the air and tell them the location of any weapons.
Never, ever make a detailed statement to police at the scene. Wait until later when you have an attorney present. This is an absolute rule.’
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