I do not walk around dragging a cross or have a rosary strung around my neck, I am not discussing my religion or faith, but I confess openly, I am no one without my God, my God, covers me in battle
by Paul Alexander
I knew quickly that to get the strength and capacity to withstand and cope and battle with the lies & the disaster put upon us by our own governments & public health leaders, I needed my God, my Lord
My love and respect and hugs to all of you who are standing up in your own way…
This is a religious battle, a battle it is and all your life was for this moment…now….and we must keep fighting, keep agitating, keep pressing, keep sharing information, keep awakening up people…bit by bit, we keep pounding on those cracks and crevices…we will get through but we hold firm…
I pray for my police in US and Canada, precious, just the best among us people, in all nations, and our precious military, our border agents, our fire fighters, our nurses, our front line people who were mandated to take the fraud ineffective and harmful injection. I pray for I/we know that in time, there will be harm and deaths. It has already happened. There is massively more to come.
Whether you are of the Jewish faith, Muslim, Christian, or other, whatever faith you find your ‘inner Jesus’ and salvation from, whomever is your prophet, your Lord, your God, we respect them all, you hold firm to them today for these beasts in governments and our so called trusted leaders, especially the money leeching demons in academia and medicine who sold us out, all those COVID Task Force liars, corrupted inept liars, these beasts will not stop as we see and now they are coming for our children as the COVID fraud injection has failed in adults, so need to get it approved in children to end run to adults…its a devious scheme…
Hold on to your God, your Allah, your Jesus, your God for we need them now, peacefully, civilly, lovingly, law abidingly and protect each other best we can and ensure that in the end, we take each of these beasts into a proper legal inquiry and any one of them, I do not care if you knew them or supported them or was high up in govn., any one of them knowingly costed lives and were reckless, we strip them of their money and place them in a jail! Many innocents have died due to the failed lockdowns when we told them and showed them the proper way, many died due to these fraud injections…we do not stop until we get accountability…we get Fauci, Francis Collins, Bourla (Pfizer), Bancel (Moderna), Walensky, Njoo and Tam (Public Health Agency of Canada), all of them who made policy on us, and we examine it in proper public inquires, commissions, and if they were right or not malevolent, we praise them and leave alone, praise them, but if we show that they caused deaths, if proper legal inquires with proper impartial assessment shows malfeasance, then we jail them! It is time we jailed leaders in our nations who harm us. MPs, MPPs, senators, congress people, leaders…all and anyone who killed people with their insane illogical reckless COVID policies. Who disregarded the evidence. We include those on the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and State Likening boards who prevented doctors from tending to their patients and caused deaths due to not treatment.
And put your stake down now, deep into the ground, not your child! Prepare to defend your child now for these injections will kill many, they, Moderna and Pfizer, the FDA, CDC…Fauci, Collins, Walensky et. al, all know this…the data is already in…
Is it pure ineptness or malfeasance? which, or is it both? Whatever, we get accountability.
Not this time, we go back and examine them all.