Massive fall in the birth rate – a consequence of the corona vaccination? Current official figures from Germany and Switzerland show a massive decline in births in the first five months of this year.

by Paul Alexander

“This is also very surprising because births have increased sharply in both countries in the last 10 years and the current decline observed breaks with this trend.

A detailed analysis from Switzerland shows that the massive drop in birth rates occurred in all Swiss cantons at the same time and amounted to between 2.5% and 29.1% (with the exception of one canton). This decrease correlates extremely significantly with the time of the first corona vaccination in the age group 20 to 49 years nine months earlier (low p-value of 0.0005704).

It is also striking that regions with a high vaccination rate in this age group also show a stronger fall in births: a vaccination rate of 63.9% in Zurich with a fall in births of −18% and 49.7% in eastern Switzerland with a fall in births of − 8.6%.


Massive fall in the birth rate – a consequence of the corona vaccination?

MFG demands investigation and immediate vaccination stop

‘Vienna (OTS) - Current official figures from Germany and Switzerland show a massive decline in births in the first five months of this year. In Germany the decline was 9%, in Switzerland 13% compared to the previous years 2019 to 2021. “This is also very surprising because births have increased sharply in both countries in the last 10 years and the current decline observed breaks with this trend. Statistics Austria has not yet presented any figures for Austria. which is strange. After all, the birth reports are not complex evaluations," says DDr. Christian Fiala, gynecologist and vice chairman of the MFG.

Corona vaccination as a cause?

A detailed analysis from Switzerland shows that the massive drop in birth rates occurred in all Swiss cantons at the same time and amounted to between 2.5% and 29.1% (with the exception of one canton). This decrease correlates extremely significantly with the time of the first corona vaccination in the age group 20 to 49 years nine months earlier (low p-value of 0.0005704). It is also striking that regions with a high vaccination rate in this age group also show a stronger fall in births: a vaccination rate of 63.9% in Zurich with a fall in births of −18% and 49.7% in eastern Switzerland with a fall in births of − 8.6%. It has not yet been finally clarified whether there is a causal connection with the corona vaccination. In any case, no connection with corona infections can be observed.

Corona vaccination insufficiently investigated

“Fertility has a special place in people's lives. Therefore, as well as due to massive scandals in the past (eg with the drug Contergan®), possible effects on human fertility for each drug must be checked separately before approval. However, this was not done with the corona vaccination. This is also why all available vaccinations have only received conditional approval," explains Fiala. In the package insert for Germany, the manufacturer BionTech only writes that nothing worrying was found in animal experiments with rats. In the package insert for the vaccine sold in England, the same manufacturer has the Putting the situation a little more clearly: it is unclear whether there are possible effects of vaccination on male or female fertility. In any case, it is irresponsible and scandalous that the first studies on the effects on fertility in women and men were only started after conditional approval was granted, and the final results are not expected until the end of this year or in 2024.

Immediate vaccination moratorium demanded

In order to be able to assess the situation in Austria, the birth reports should be submitted immediately and published at short intervals in the future. "Until the worrying fall in births has been finally clarified, the vaccination campaign must be stopped immediately as a precautionary measure," warns Fiala in conclusion.’