England & Wales: Why are deaths rising in England & Wales? Is it the COVID gene mRNA-DNA injection & boosting (so called vaccine)? We see a 19.5% rise in week ending Jan 13th 2023 over 5-year average

by Paul Alexander

Also, 30.5% increase in deaths week ending Jan 13th 2023 over Jan 13th 2022; 16% rise in deaths week ending Jan 13th 2023 over Jan 6th 2023; why? Can excess death be due to COVID vaccine & boosters?

The data has been stable that highly vaccinated nations (over low vaccine uptake nations) have reported much higher infections, re-infections, hospitalizations, and deaths post COVID gene injection. Very elevated excess mortality, at times above 15%. Yet while COVID virus took the lives of elderly high-risk persons in 2020, the lethality had lessened for 2021 and for 2022. And we are seeing not elderly, but younger persons dying in 2022 and already 2023. Why? What can be killing younger persons when the virus does not kill them, and is not killing older persons?

Are the surges in deaths linked to the roll-out of the gene injections as well as boosters? See UK excess mortality graph below. See South Africa’s infection (and Japan’s), deaths, and vaccine uptake, as well as excess mortality today as a comparison (graph below). Note South Africa is one of the nations that took least vaccine yet had no issue with omicron etc. Is it the vaccine, stupid? Japan is finding it out the hard way as it took among the highest vaccine globally.

It’s the vaccine, stupid, it’s the vaccine!

It is clear that risk of death has been escalating in highly vaccinated nations, so what is going on? Where is the protection from the COVID gene injection vaccines? Was Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche correct all along that we will see severe effects in nations that vaccinate heavily and rapidly, not allowing for training of innate immune systems and time for vaccine induced antibodies to fully develop their binding capacity to neutralize the virus?

See UK and Wales 2023 weekly data here.

We see a 19.5% rise in week ending Jan 13th 2023 over 5-year average; also, 30.5% increase in deaths week ending Jan 13th 2023 over Jan 13th 2022; an over 23% rise between 2nd week 2023 and 2nd week 2020; 16% rise in deaths week ending Jan 13th 2023 over Jan 6th 2023 (17, 381 versus 14,983):



Of 17,604 deaths by cause below: and only 654 listed as ‘due’ to COVID, then what has caused the deaths week ending Jan 13th 2023? In this era of COVID gene injection and boosters. What? Is it deaths now due to delayed treatments during lockdowns? Or how people were treated in the medical system? Could be it due to the impact of the COVID injections?