MONKEYPOX update (Dr. Paul Alexander): "Of the 6,924 confirmed monkeypox cases in the global outbreak, the vast majority have occurred among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, or MSM"

by Paul Alexander

"The thought of a full three-week quarantine is pretty scary,” said John, 32...who believes he contracted monkeypox from a guy he hooked up with"; but John, we were COVID locked down for 2 eff in yrs

“Lesions, headaches, debilitating pain: Gay men with monkeypox share their stories; Men who have sex with men comprise the vast majority of monkeypox cases in this unprecedented outbreak. Eighteen of them talked to NBC News about their experiences.”

I am trying to help the Gay community and bisexual community for the CDC and WHO are seeking to harm them and cause deaths. It is clear now!

I am going insane as I read this media piece. That this is a tall order for someone in the Gay community, to stay away from others? That is too much to ask? Are you eff in me? The world was shut down and schools closed and kids killed themselves, hung themselves, business owners killed themselves, laid off workers killed themselves, for a lie, 2 years of a bullshit fraud lockdown lunacy and you have a problem with no sex and cessation of contact for 2 weeks? Man we could not go to church, or bury our dead parents. And you can’t stop the sex or contact for 2 weeks in the Gay community? That could help you? Come on. Stop, think about this John.

John is bummed out if he has to isolate.

“The thought of a full three-week quarantine is pretty scary,” said John, 32, a New York City tech worker who believes he contracted monkeypox from a guy he hooked up with during a recent trip to Los Angeles for the city’s Pride events. “I’m just feeling disappointed and bummed out. It was a bummer to miss celebrating Pride” in New York.”

Let me tell you what CDC and NIH and FDA and WHO and Fauci and Walensky and Njoo and Tam and these corrupted inept reckless public health officials are not telling you as they phuck around with this virus and pussyfoot with it…they should have moved to stop the expansion out of the Gay and bisexual community and I think now it is too late. IMO, these beasts did this deliberately. They hurt you, Like Fauci did in the 1980s with Bactrim denial and AZT that killed gay men, yes, they did this to you and now you and others risk the low risk heterosexual community. Skin-to-skin contact during sex is the key method of transmission. I tell you John as it is.

“Of the 6,924 confirmed monkeypox cases in the global outbreak, the vast majority have occurred among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, or MSM, various health authorities report. Skin-to-skin contact during sex, experts assert, has likely been the primary driver of the virus’s global spread thus far.”

IMO, the answer is right here. Stop the skin to skin contact.

Stop the sex intimacy for 3 weeks to a month. I have been saying it 3 months now. Stop the contact, no PRIDE. I am saying it to help you here. If heterosexuals were spreading a pathogen due to sex contact, intimate skin to skin, and there is tearing of tissue etc. (micro tears), I would tell them to stop the sex. The physical contact in the Gay and bisexual community heightens risk of transmission. Its just the way it is, and the foci of this pathogen at this time is the Gay community. We need to keep it there and eliminate it there. Yet heterosexual couples can spread pathogen if it involved skin to skin abrasive rough type contact too. This is not about being ‘Gay’ and not about stigmatizing.

Please, for God’s sake, stop the contact for 3 weeks to one month and we can hopefully get our arms around this. Fauci et al. caused this now to expand out of the Gay community and has harmed you. IMO deliberate. If these idiots at CDC and PHAC can institute acute contact tracing, it is imperative. They must PSA and give you proper guidance to help protect you, not tell you para ‘if infected and you must still club and party, then do this and that, and masturbate 6 feet away and have sex with clothes on…” wtf is that? I am telling you, there must be no eff in contact whatsoever until this is eliminated. If you want this to end.

Moreover, those who have been injected with the COVID injection has suppressed immune systems now, depressed CD 8+ T cell lymphocytes, and with each re-infection CD 8+ T-cell lymphocytes are depressed more, and as such are immunocompromised and are at risk of monkeypox. Even for forms of cancer and other viruses and pathogen.

I urge the Gay community to take no more of these dangerous ineffective COVID shots. No boosters.


“Of the 6,924 confirmed monkeypox cases in the global outbreak, the vast majority have occurred among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, or MSM, various health authorities report. Skin-to-skin contact during sex, experts assert, has likely been the primary driver of the virus’s global spread thus far.”