One corruptible idiot Sir Jeremy Farrar replaces another WHO idiot (Soumya Swaminatha), becomes WHO’s Chief Scientist; UN body has appointed the scientist who publicly rubbished the lab leak theory
by Paul Alexander
Note, I worked for WHO Geneva and Europe as an epidemiologist and then in 2019 and 2020 as a COVID pandemic advisor; I can safely say, save my direct boss, that place is staffed with morons!
It, WHO, is really an old boys club for imbeciles. It is a kickback scheme, a repayment place where you get a job to repay you for the corrupted contracts and donor money. Few get there on merit. I would tell you I had to compete for my post.
I worked there as both an employee and as a consultant. I had to see it to understand it as like all, was fascinated by WHO. I learnt it is trash. I used to think the PHAC federal health agency of Canada had inept incompetent highly paid highly underworked idiots until I worked at WHO. I used to think Njoo and Tam who head PHAC are morons until I compared them to WHO leadership I knew.
Someone out there, please, I plead, challenge me on the competence of anyone I have named here.