A biopharmaceutical complex which is nearly identical to that described by Unmasked 2030. This power-hungry group of banal elites appear to be in control of media, governments, academia & they appear
by Paul Alexander
to want their hands on you and your family! the capitalist ruling class conspired to enslave humanity; McCullough again delivers haymaker, striking fear deep into enemy territory, we pray he is safe!
I love Peter’s fearlessness, reminds me of ME! I ride with the Lord at my side, so I can’t be beat! I can’t! And people like Dr. Harvey Risch as my Rabbi, Rabbi Katz etc. I ride fearless, with McCullough, Risch, Wolf, Oskoui (even now he Oskoui rides with us, leading the pack and I will find him on the other side to show him how this turned out….). I ride with Tenenbaum, Hodkinson, Makis, Coulson, Ladapo, Gessling, Amerling, we ride, sun up to sun down vanquishing these evil beasts…my army can’t be beat, we have the Lord covering us with mercy and grace and favor!!! Vliet is riding too, Lee!!
This power-hungry group of banal elites appear to be in control of media, governments, academia & they appear to want their hands on you and your family!
Boom, McCullough delivers a haymaker MOAB!