Did recent Tokyo study (Suzuki) of autopsies (cases in which deaths occurred within seven days after COVID mRNA vaccination in Tokyo, n=54) show an association between mRNA technology shots & deaths?
by Paul Alexander
Yes! Again, the Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. mRNA technology based gene injections are linked to deaths post shot! Autopsies are critical & as they are done, they are linking the vaccine to deaths
‘In the assessment of adverse events, myocarditis was found to be the cause of death in two cases (cases 40, 54) (Fig. 1,Fig. 2.), and causal relationships to vaccination were possible. Another case showed myocarditis (case 4) while a competing cause of death (pre-existing ischemic heart disease) was found.
A causal relationship to vaccination was possible, but could not be proven beyond doubt. Among the cases showing thrombosis, transverse sinus thrombosis (case 48), ischemic colitis secondary to superior mesenteric artery thrombosis (case 14), and pulmonary artery thromboembolism (case 8, 45) were found to be the causes of death. In cases 48 and 14, the anti-PF4 antibody level could not be measured because of difficulty in serum isolation. A causal relationship to vaccination was possible, but could not be proven beyond doubt.
In case 8, chest discomfort was identified before vaccine administration, and organized thrombi were observed both in the pulmonary artery and deep vein of the left lower extremity. Organized thrombi were also found in the deep vein of the extremities in case 45.’