Pregnancy & aggressive rapid lethal TURBO cancers in women (mothers) vaccinated with mRNA technology based gene vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna); what is going on? why are oncologists silent? Makis shows 14

by Paul Alexander

devastating cases of extremely aggressive cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or soon after after giving birth; what is happening here? this is very unusual! happening in vaccinated mothers!

July 21, 2023 - Spearville, KS - Destiny Barnett, a 4th grade teacher, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin Lymphoma 3 months after giving birth to Swayde.

July 18, 2023 - Fishkill, NY - Erika Thomaselli gave birth to a new baby girl recently. A few days after giving birth, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroendocrine Carcinoma.

July 11, 2023 - Traverse City, MI - 32 year old Nina Carder was diagnosed with the “most serious and aggressive form” of breast cancer. She has a 10 month old baby.

July 5, 2023 - Linthorpe, UK - 30 year old Fi Leyshon was diagnosed with aggressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma 11 weeks after giving birth. (click here)

May 17, 2023 - Rutledge, GA - Karen Vincent had a C-section at 26 weeks and was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her bones, liver and brain.

May 2, 2023 - Minooka, IL - Christine Yenser is a mom of 5 and had her 5th baby in Sep.2022. Just 6 months later she was diagnosed with a Stage 4b Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma

Jan.2023 - 32 year old oncology nurse April Addison was diagnosed with breast cancer the day after she delivered her son by C-section. She has no family history (click here)

Dec.2022 - Vancouver, BC - 37 year old Aimee Cox was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon cancer 11 months after giving birth to her daughter. It is so aggressive it has already metastasized to the liver (click here)

Sep.2022 - Sam Lynch had twin girls in Sep.2022 and less than a week later she was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer. She is a fully COVID-19 vaccinated nurse.

April 2022 - Lancaster, PA - 16 year old Kiera Adkin had chest pain nursing her newborn son. It was a 5x8 inch Stage 3 aggressive T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

March 2022 - Melbourne, Australia - 32 year old Darlene Lynch had a baby in Dec.2021 and 2.5 months later she was diagnosed with an extremely rare aggressive choriocarcinoma that had spread to her lungs (click here)

Sep.2021 - Singapore - 25 year old Kwa Lay Teng was nursing her four day old baby girl when she received a call with breast cancer diagnosis. (click here)

May.2021 - Alberta - Carolina Diaz had a growing lump in her breast while 8 months pregnant. She was diagnosed with breast cancer right after delivery. (click here)

Feb.2021 - Glastonbury, CT - 30 year old nurse Elizabeth Emory took two Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines during pregnancy (Jan.7, 2021 and Feb.4, 2021). On Feb.6, 2021, at 25 weeks pregnant, she was diagnosed with Starge 4 Burkitt’s Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Key question raised (Janiesaysyay) is:

“I am seeing a lot of charity posts for vaxxed new moms with aggressive cancers. Does the vaxx and the pregnancy/lactation hormones drive the cancer?”

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis
mRNA & Pregnancy - Turbo Cancers in new mothers (COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated) - 14 tragic cases of extremely aggressive cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth
July 21, 2023 - Spearville, KS - Destiny Barnett, a 4th grade teacher, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin Lymphoma 3 months after giving birth to Swayde…
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