NBC News Associated Press (AP): If monkeypox spreads through sexual contact, is it an STD? "HIV can spread through shared needles."; We know this, but the HIV foci, source is STILL GAY & bisexual sex
by Paul Alexander
“It clearly is spreading as an STI (sexually transmitted infection) at this point,” said Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. I am going to explain needle lie
Lies! Misdirection!
This is the typical propaganda and lies by the public health establishment and have the media doing it’s dirty work and they are inept and ignorant on the crap they print. Let me explain and I am going to go places the public health and medical community and thieving agencies like UNAIDS and CDC etc. hoped someone like me will never go. You, must never understand the truth, so due to that, I am telling it to you!
First, to date, monkeypox is transmitted by GAY and bisexual sexual contact. No other mode of transmission identified. Almost exclusively. It is incredible how the CDC and WHO and Walensky etc. are behaving as if there is nothing they can do to stop the transmission. IMO, just tell the GAY and bisexual community to stop all sexual contact for 3-4 weeks, no anal sex! No activity in any manner that could breach the infected pustules and lesions, none! So no skin to skin contact.
Yes, HIV entered the heterosexual community, eventually, as we allowed it to expand there, and yes, HIV can be spread by needles. But HIV was NEVER ever a heterosexual infection or disease. Public health MADE it so.
Yet, critically, there are key aspects you did not know or were never told as this was hidden by UNAIDS and WHO and CDC and Fauci etc. for they wanted since the 1980s to make you think HIV/AIDS is and was a heterosexual infection/disease. HIV/AIDS was big business, as inept, incompetent immoral so called experts set up agencies and sub-agencies and the like around HIV, only to derive research grants and live fat cat lives on tax payer funding. Yet accomplished nothing after over 40 years and hundreds of billions. They enriched themselves!
It, HIV, never was a heterosexual infection yet became one due to the corruption, political correctness, and ineptness of public health like people Fauci. And it is not to blame the GAY and bisexual population but bisexuals have most if not all blame for how it expanded into the general ‘low-risk’ population. They, some bisexuals, were dishonest and deceived their monogamous low-risk wives/partners, whom many were married to (and with children) yet lied to her and she did not know they were sleeping with men too outside of the home and visiting bath houses and commercial sex trade workers on the way home from work and injecting drugs. That is how. Now you know!
Note, I was stationed overseas for the Government of Canada on a TB and HIV international project with India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives and Afghanistan. I have extensive expertise in this area of STDs and HIV surveillance etc. I decided to tie it to monkeypox to show you they, CDC, WHO etc. are trying to cause the same again, which is the expansion and spread of a virus easily stoppable, into the low-risk population.
Many will not like that I am explaining this for most remain bought and sold their souls to the ‘money research grant devil’, but as you have now realized, I do not care. My role is to bring the truth that you have been denied as to COVID and the vaccines and any issue.
Let me try to explain some more and they are now trying to make you think monkeypox has other means of transmission. Likely it can, but today, it is localized to the GAY and bisexual community and not aerosolized and unless we learn you can transmit a non-aerosol pathogen without tough nd contact, then it is DUE to contact. At this time, based on all we know, monkeypox is spread by tight close ‘direct’ contact between men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM), GAY and bisexual sex.
I have many GAY and bisexual friends and they are good people, maybe better than many of us. Actually many have shown a moral compass ahead of the criminal sell out medical doctors around us. They currently have a problem with this virus and public health and Fauci et al. are playing politics and risking them. They need guidance and I know to give it only one way, served COLD!
The issue with HIV initially is that the virus needed bodily fluids to go from an infected to non-infected partner due to touch. It does this via the micro-tears in the rectal wall, anus, skin, penis etc. during MSM sexual contact. This was what HIV did initially and how it was massive infection in the GAY community. The stigmatization and slander of GAYS was wrong for it was not their fault that this virus used this mechanism to infect and transmit.
So there was lots of confusion as to how it was transmitted but this was how. Yes, the fluids in blood, saliva, semen etc. showed HIV virus etc. Bottom line is that the bodily fluids of an infected person could be the transfer point, but it needed micro tears in the recipient’s bodily tissue so as to transmit. This is why MAGIC Johnson retired for he was HIV infected (not getting into that as to how etc.) and the risk was in the abrasive contact on the court, his bodily fluids if another player got cut, could enter the system and blood stream of the player. There was the risk of spread if he collided with someone on the court and there was bleeding etc. between the two, and thus his optimal decision. Great one! I applauded his decision.
No, he was not running around having GAY sex with basketball players nor was there risk of that! If heterosexual couples had one partner infected and they engaged in rough heavy abrasive sex where there was breakage of tissue in one partner and the other had some STD, it is highly likely it would be transmitted to the other, though there is the issue of how long there is exposure, the load transmitted, how many times exposed etc. Several factors but one time is risk in itself.
The issue is that IMO, it was wrong to promote ‘safer’ sex with condoms for HIV etc. and the like for in reality, we drove drug-resistant HIV which over the last decades became highly resistant, complex to treat, and expensive to treat. Also we have the devastation of Fauci denying Bactrim to infected males over the AZT he pushed that killed thousands of MSM. Another discussion to have. This is my opinion, you can have yours. I am purely about abstinence if there is risk until the risk disappears.
Anyway, in the GAY and bisexual community, the bisexual males were having sexual contact with men and women when infected. Both. This was the devastating aspect. This caused the rapid expansion from the GAY and bisexual community to the general low-risk heterosexual populations. To low-risk women, wives, girlfriends etc. It was never an infection of the heterosexual community until the bisexual males started spreading it. We detected it in the lowest risk monogamous pregnant and peri and ante natal women, especially in African and Asian nations. If a pregnant woman has some emerging STD, we know it is widespread in the general population as she is the sentinel flag we use.
Importantly, we also know that when someone engages in one high-risk behavior, they engage in many. It is always a multitude. A fact. And so bisexual males also visited bath houses, commercial sex workers on the way home from work, injected drugs, had multiple partners etc. High-risk behaviors encourage the sharing of paraphernalia e.g. needles etc. We did many surveys etc. Commercial sex workers they bought sex from also injected drugs. They had multiple partners who were infected with HIV and a host of STDs. This is how HIV could be found on needles because bisexual males inject drugs (not all but many, and engage in many high-risk behaviors) and it is a lie and bullshit for NBC and AP to make you think if HIV could be spread by needles, by extension, so can monkeypox. Bullshit, lies! Yes, HIV can be found on needles but the source always can be traced to an antecedent HIV infected person.
If bisexual males did not have male and female partners, and did not lie and deceive their female partners and risk her health and life, HIV would have never expanded into the heterosexual population in the 1980s and 1990s, like it did. It is the bisexual male with multiple partners today, male and female, we are very concerned with as to monkeypox expansion and leeching into the low-risk general population as we try to assess this fully.
We call on the GAY and principally bisexual male to have no sex for 3 weeks (across the board, get your leaders to help facilitate this), and no anal sex and importantly, if you do, only one partner. This is not anyone trying to enter your rights and life, but this will help you mitigate risk and the society. We want to curtail transmission and cut the chain of transmission.
So conceivably, monkeypox could end up on needles but via the high-risk group of GAY and bisexual males if and when there is other high risk activity like injecting drug use, often using equipment shared and used by sex workers etc. or other partners who were exposed. It is the sexual networks that is the rate limiting step in transmission. It could also be that this monkeypox is another pox virus emerging due to the damage and immune-suppression post COVID injection given what we know about how the injection damages the immune system. We must be open to this.
There must be no stigmatization and ostracizing of the GAY or bisexual community. None. This is about approaching the monkeypox virus as a virus and understanding the virology, the biochemistry, the immunology etc. The medicine, the science. Not the behavior. It appears to operate like an STD today and spread by GAY and bisexual sex contact. If all this is so and it appears at this time to be 99.9% so, then there must be no sexual contact, no skin-to-skin contact, no anal sex, nothing, until we get this under control. The relevant high-risk community must work with the rest of society to protect themselves and the society.
Public health CDC and NIH and WHO Fauci and Tedros and Walensky have failed you! You have to take leadership now!
NBC News: If monkeypox spreads through sexual contact, is it an STD?