Only in America can you make porn videos and end up invited to the greatest house on earth; only in America; where twisted socialists American hating people can gather in that house itself!

by Paul Alexander

I am happy now when I look back that Trump snubbed them, big gonads Trump, one of his finest hours; don't forget, tell you sons & daughters to aspire to grow up to be these grifters and grafters, NOT!

Imagine, known for nothing else. People famous just because of the surnames they have, have done nothing. Nothing for no one, not for nation, flag, nothing. Will make no sacrifice for nation or cause, as long as it does not benefit them. Attacks flag, anthem, faith, culture…attacks anything American, yet wants to fly, demands to fly, tucked safely beneath the Eagle’s wings, sucking all from her, yet giving nothing to her and raping her of her treasures.

Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson make their red carpet debut as they lead the stars at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

Something is very very wrong. No wonder young people, young kids today, teens are adrift. They are so confused by the filth around them, disguised as success.

Stars? Many of these people are lowlife bottom dwellers, leeches, grifters and grafters. IMO. These are never, not the people your children must look up to. IMO.