No physical activity, no heightened exertion! In a sense, we are getting to a place where we may need to inform VACCINATED persons with the mRNA technology gene based COVID injections to NOT exercise

by Paul Alexander

Yes, for we are seeing too many deaths occuring in vaccinated persons when in or just post an activity session; and doctors may need to consider telling their vaccinated patients this, NO activity

Cardiac arrest appears to be the principle reason as reporting matures and is refined and in many instances, it appears people are vaccinated; we may need to consider this, until more is known and ways to remove spike protein is defined and products that could mitigate risk of clots, bleedings, brain bleeds, dissecting aneurysms, sudden death due to cardiac arrest etc. We have a serious problem and the silence by the medical community is causing people to die! You must press your doctor on this serious urgent issue.

Excess activity when COVID mRNA vaccinated and with resulting possible underlying silent myocarditis (asymptomatic) can be a deadly combination.

Be warned. If you are vaccinated, be warned.

I am not your doctor. But you should do your own inquiry and talk to your doctor. Now!

Not one of these shots for your child, not one! No teen, no healthy child. None!