JOHN LEAKE strikes again with this piece with McCullough: "The Steady and Alarming Extension of Federal Power Against US Citizens Since 2002": The White House censors US citizens, Trump & Bidens'

by Paul Alexander

This is the shocking issue, based on dates & what is being released, seems even in Trump government, censorship was on tap & Trump needs to tell us if he knew of this, ordered it (I say he did NOT)

Trump must stand up against the COVID lunatic censorship that took place even in his WH, and the failed devastating lockdown lunacy, and the fraud failed COVID gene injection. He must stand up and disavow!

The legal mandate of the Praetorian Guard was to protect the Roman Emperor, but over time the Guard amassed such enormous power that it became unclear who was really in charge—the Emperor or the men who were purportedly protecting him. A few Emperors were assassinated by the Guard.

Some historians have pointed to the Praetorian Guard as emblematic of how an institution can arise that becomes the true seat of executive power. Each successive executive who enters office, either through his birth to a royal family or through a popular election, is merely the puppet of the men who run this institution.

It’s not the executive himself, but the career administrators—the denizens of the “Deep State”—who call the shots. If the executive is a relatively young, vigorous, free-thinking individual, he may find himself coming into conflict with these administrators, particularly if they have held their offices and amassed influence over a long period of time. If, on the other hand, the executive is intellectually weak or perhaps old and frail, his occupation of the office may give the administrators free rein to do as they please for themselves and their friends.

This scenario came to mind this morning when I saw an Epoch Times report on how the White House has sent E-mails to social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter, directing them to censor prominent public speakers such as Tucker Carlson and Robert F, Kennedy, Jr. There was a time not so long ago when a White House censorship program against U.S. citizens would have seemed unthinkable. How did the Executive Branch obtain power to censor U.S. citizens? Did Congress pass a law in violation of the First Amendment, authorizing the executive to abridge the freedom of speech?

Throughout history, aspiring dictators (whether they be individual executives or oligarchies) have always relished public emergencies—real, perceived, exaggerated, and fabricated—because they provide a rich opportunity for expanding their power. Because fear tends to switch off the critical reasoning faculty in most people, most people will not be inclined to question the executive’s assertions about the purported emergency and its true causes.

The current, blooming garden of unchecked federal power seems to have germinated in 2002 with the passage of the Homeland Security Act and the Homeland Security Council, an entity within the Executive Office of the President created by President Bush’s Executive Order 13228.’

See the stack here, great scholarship:

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
The Steady and Alarming Extension of Federal Power Against US Citizens Since 2002
By JOHN LEAKE The legal mandate of the Praetorian Guard was to protect the Roman Emperor, but over time the Guard amassed such enormous power that it became unclear who was really in charge—the Emperor or the men…
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