"Rational Theorist"? hhhhm, could this be a means to change term "conspiracy theorist" linked to anyone who pushes back, questions the fraud COVID narrative, anyone who is a skpetic or contrarian?

by Paul Alexander

Dr. McCullough raises a good point and this may well be a remake that is needed to flip the script on the malfeasant COVID Taliban out there, those who wreaked death & destruction for devious gain

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‘Over the course of the pandemic we have heard the term “conspiracy theorist” used quickly to discredit anyone who is raising a point or challenging the biopharmaceutical complex, the powerful syndicate we define in our book Courage to Face COVID-19. Many have quipped: “its not a conspiracy theory, its a conspiracy” or “just wait 6 months and the conspiracy theory will come true.” None of these retorts have made much progress.

Monica Smit, Managing Director of Reignite Democracy Australia, helped bring this video forward as a way of messaging “conspiracy theory” into a more constructive term “rational theorist” based on the logical and debatable nature of statements made.

This short video features Dr. McCullough’s defamatory Wikipedia page commonly used against him in the public square. For the record, Wiki has locked McCullough out from any input on the page. Editing is very frequent, viscous, and completely anonymous. No one has had the courage to reveal their identity as an contributor to McCullough’s Wikipedia page.

Have a listen to the video and see how you could possibly flip the tables on a discussion the next time “conspiracy theory” is mentioned.’

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
"Conspiracy Theorist" Recoined "Rational Theorist" in Battle Against the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex
Watch now (2 mins) | By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Over the course of the pandemic we have heard the term “conspiracy theorist” used quickly to discredit anyone who is raising a point or challenging the biopharmaceutical complex, the powerful syndicate we define in our book…
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