Portugal & South Africa & Germany case graphs show us exactly how catastrophic these COVID injections are & sub-optimal immune response; tremendous infectious pressure as virus remains in environment

by Paul Alexander

We see waves getting higher each succeeding wave, waves more rapid in terms of time between waves, and they are not coming down to baseline, that is, no herd immunity; see Israel, UK

The elevated infectious pressure confronting mounting sub-optimal vaccinal induced antibodies is a dangerous situation, driving selection pressure for more infectious variants/clades. The issue again is that South Africa is far less vaccinated (about 30%) than Portugal (among the highest in the world, about 90%) and Germany and Israel, yet it has responded way better to the omicron variants. Why? Is it as we have said that by remaining unvaccinated as long as you can (actually, not taking these COVID gene injections), you benefit from the training of your innate immune system, your innate antibodies and innate natural killer (NK) cells? Is it early treatment (below the table too)? Why has South Africa responded to Omicron so much better? Why has India’s curves remained flat? Was it early treatment? A younger population? Why has the African nations largely, with far lower vaccination rates, done so much better in terms of COVID and certainly now for omicron? What else do you need to see to know that the COVID injections are junk, never worked day one, are ineffective, are harmful, and cause infections in the vaccinated? They are driving antibody dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) and original antigenic sin plays out in full (prejudicial initial exposure (imprinting) primes and biases all subsequent immune responses to that initial exposure). What else?