Dr. Robert Malone is not exactly correct in his substack; hmmm, is Malone going 'Emily Oster AMNESTY on us? IMO if one cannot meet the enemy toe to toe & more, stay on the fence & out of the fight

by Paul Alexander

btw Robert, my book 'Presidential Take Down, how Fauci & CDC & FDA et al. toppled Trump', is on Amazon, you will enjoy it! If you wish to fight 'nice', go ahead one day we will swap stories on the end

This paragraph in Malone’s piece is the subject of my substack and will be dealt with down below after my open:

“For what its worth, I hold “our side” to higher standards than I have come to expect from corporate (broadcast and published) media. I reject the assertion that, on the battlefield of the current 21st century unrestricted media and information war which we are immersed in, it is acceptable to employ the tactics of our opponents. I have heard others in the medical resistance community advocate the schoolyard “logic” of “they are doing it to us, and so we have to do it to them”. I firmly reject this. Any “win” on the information war battlefield which is based on this type of rationale will be transitory and self defeating. It is not a win if we become one with the ethics of our opponents.”

First, Merry Christmas! May our Lord bless you all, our God, your God and keep you and family, your children safe and protected. May you and we all have some food and laughter after three harrowing COVID years. Enjoy time together for we will all realize at some point, that ‘time’ is our greatest gift and treasure. It humbles us.

Now, I ask you to support me and buy my book, as a great Christmas Present and if you subscribe to my substack annual or founding ($55 etc.) you will get a FREE copy of the book:

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Now onto the purpose of this substack piece:

I beg you, HOLD THE LINE!!!! HOLD!

Nowhere globally, nowhere in America, did any lockdown, school closure, business closure, mask mandate work. Not one, nowhere. These COVID lockdown lunatic policies hurt and killed people. Killed our children, suffered our parents and grand-parents and was monstrous. Died in misery, reports of our parents sucked into the ‘blackhole’ in hospitals on the COVID protocol, no one coming near them in their isolated and lonely rooms, reports of them under those covers full of feces and worms, no one would even bathe them.

This is a call to republicans, democrats, people of any politics, any religion, ethnicity, to come together to help fight the wrongs inflicted on our peoples across this 3 year period. I ask you to step back and listen and read. If you are here, you are already there.

So in our fight against those who did wrong, we must be bold, ruthless too, and unrelenting. Never give them room for air! Figuratively. We must drive them insane!

Our parents, sucked into the ‘black hole’ of the medicalization of COVID (the money making scheme), designated ‘positive’ using a fraud flawed ‘PCR’ over-cycled overly sensitive test (cycle counts amplifications greater than 24 Ct meant viral dust, fragments, non-infectious, non-lethal, non-culturable, non-viable virus and non-corona mostly), sedated with diamorphine, midazolam, paralytics, then pumped with failed fraud ‘standard of care Fauci drug’ Remdesivir (kidney and liver toxic and failed as an Ebola drug), and then basically killed with intubation and ventilation (improperly trained attendants and doctors with calibration) that blew holes in lungs so badly traumaered. We killed our parents and grand-parents with the ‘COVID protocol’. We must be held accountable. All who did this, every hospital CEO, every single medical doctor. Those who enacted these COVID lockdown polices must be investigated and justice meted out if shown to that they caused deaths. I say imprison many of them!

We are in a war! For the hearts and minds of our people, their souls, for our children. The enemy wants these, we must protect these. It is our governments and IMO bad, malevolent, dark intent people (we will define them in time yet we have a good idea who many are) waging against us and we must wake up and respond. It involves government agencies seeking to damage and destroy the USA. We the people, while enroute.

Now, to Stew and Dr. Malone’s request to surrender and play ‘nice’ and in effect, pull an Emily Oster AMNESTY on us. I say NEVER! NEVER will we surrender and play nice, never EVER, we want justice and accountability and we seek to put the boot on the necks of these beasts who did this and return fire IN KIND, 10 fold, figuratively.

So what if there is hyperbole by Stew? So what? The left uses it all the time and uses lies. Fraud and lies and filth and attacks (physical, all how) on their enemies etc. They fight dirty and to win! So, Stew understands that and fights them the only way he knows how to win! He seeks to win, not play around!

Stew is unique, and like Alex Jones, enrages you, and kind of like me, ;-). We are very passionate about this issue (lockdown lunacy and the fraud fake mRNA vaccines) for we are angry, we see the deaths, and it is the fraud of COVID response and the vaccines yet it is in the delivery, and Stew is balls to the walls. He takes no prisoners and I love it! I know there are always going to be errors, like how there are errors in my work, your work, Risch’s work, McCullough’s, little unforced errors at times, people do not intend to make them. Mistakes. But look at the difficult topics and we are talking deaths here. And Stew gets emotional too. He is invested in this, he is hurt by what he sees happening to Americans and global citizens, to children. I applaud him, big bravery on his part. Stew has many friends as police and military, present and ex and he knows for he is on top of the science, that they are vaccine injured and many will get severely ill and die in time. He is angered and he wants to help them. He wants answers and he has his way of informing the nation and getting information.

So can everyone calm down, enjoy the documentary, as I did, take a chill pill and get off Stew’s back and give the homie some credit for doing WHAT YOU DID NOT DO and you CANNOT DO. He ‘reaches’ people when most cannot, in ways most cannot. Already there are 10 million views of his video (November 27th 2022).

And come on Dr. Malone, you are something, you are hitting Stew while praising Kirsch. You are too funny! You lost me there. Steve Kirsch is as much this documentary as Stew and I give praise to Steve for he showed emotions and real humanity. I saw a part of Steve I had not seen before so Steve, huge hugs my brother. So if you savage Stew, show some big balls and savage Kirsch so he can answer you! Do not hide behind Kirsch and play favorites. Do you fear Kirsch? Come on, you are Dr. Malone, you can handle Steve Kirsch. If you think Stew’s video was crap and garbage as per your substack, then tell Kirsch same thing. Kirsch is a big boy!

Look it, Stew taps into something you cannot Malone, and many cannot, he knows the pain, the anger, the hurt of the people, he feels the betrayal, the hopelessness, the vulnerability, the sense of helplessness and speaks TO them and FOR them. He feels it differently. Why? I don’t know but I love it. Comes natural for folk like me for I have arabic, Cuban, Venezuelan, island roots and so that passion and combative sh*t runs deep in my veins. I ‘get’ Stew and Alex Jones.

Judge someone by the ‘arc’ of their life, don’t go writing smack about someone if you do not know them. No one is perfect and we are all fallen in some manner and twisted and warped and imperfect. I know I am but I try daily to be a better me. I just wish to do some good in my time here as I know many are trying. It’s the least we can do in appreciation for the gift of life!

Thing is, I think deep down you Dr. Malone admire Stew and even envy him and many do, and rightly so for his talent and what he does, so why can’t you just praise the brother and hug him? Praise a brother in the fight. Come on, you can! You are not a bad person, you are a decent human being so why not show some love to the brother?

I love you man. But here’s the thing. Stew can show empathy and love when you and most cannot. That is ok. We each have different gifts. But don’t hit him for that, for his passion and want to do some good, no, try to understand and if the brother makes a mistake, tell him. Call him. Use your inner circle. We could get Stew for you if you wish to talk to him to reconcile the issue. Do you know how many I call and send e-mails (privately, not openly to disparage and insult and demean) when they make mistakes? It’s not to berate, it’s out of love. I get excited when I can show someone what to fix in what they did for I know it makes them look better and that’s the prize. I want them to succeed and they help me too for I am imperfect, prone to mistakes, and stupid and idiotic at times. I could be a bumbling fool.

So I understand Stew, he means well, love inside, like Ardis, like me, we feel the crap, deep down in us, it runs deep in us. He has the ‘thing’ so give the brother props. He is gutted for the children. It’s like when I talk to Dr. Naomi Wolf, I get the sense of deep sadness for the plight of children and women during COVID. She ‘gets’ it differently. She gets the ‘wrong’ differently. Some people just do.

My issue is I give all people credit for trying.

Children who died and hung themselves in the lockdowns, Stew is fighting for them, I know, the data came to my office while at HHS. 8 and 9 year olds hung themselves due to CDC and Fauci and Birx and Francis Collins and Teachers unions school closures. Business owners hung themselves in America, laid off employees hung themselves, they could not hold on. Stew was there day one fighting when many were hiding in basements pulling flint from between their toes and ordering uber and Amazon, as they ‘shielded and caught up on some reading and walked their dogs’ and at the same time, the poor children and women and those who could least afford to shield and ‘shelter’, faced the infection, and died. We protected the upper crust laptop class, the ‘zoom’ class in society and harmed and killed those least able to shield and remote work and hide. Shame on all of us who did it!

I know the extent of Stew’s fight from the beginning for I was involved FROM the beginning. We were talking to Stew on his show and he was giving us the forum to educate the nation. When legacy media locked us out and cancelled us. Like Ardis who worked hard throughout, like the silent but pressing Urso, real unsung heroes, so when freaks hit Ardis on the snake venom issue, I bristled and cussed for these people cannot explain what they did during this madness, how they helped, yet wanted to hit Ardis with the then ‘hip’ thing. Talking smack about the guy yet doing nothing to help, hiding behind a keyboard. A decent man trying to make a food and eat and provide for his family. Could he not eat a food too? Should he not get some help from donors too? Or only is it a select few?

To me this is a whole load of crap going on. I say calm down. We have one dragon to slay and need all hands on deck. You invoked Alex, Kennedy etc. in your battle here and in effect to nullify them. You pit them against Stew. Why? It’s your battle with Stew. You hit Stew but praise his video sidekick Kirsch so Kirsch will not slam you back. I know what you do and how it’s done. Let me see if these people like Kennedy and Alex and Kirsch et al. have the stones I know they have, so as to school you on that substack for it is wrong as written.

I think you should pull it down. When you were nowhere to be found on lockdowns and school closures, on early treatment, on vaccines, and the harms and deaths they all caused, it was Stew Peters and Alex Jones etc. who were out there banging away. You in effect joined his show…yes, it is the Stew Peters show you joined, he was part of our skeptic, contrarian freedom warriors crew. From day one. Like it or not and we love him!

Stew is engaging in informing the world and Americans first on the risks and how these vaccines have and will kill. He is doing what you failed to do! Look, Dr. Malone, you keep saying para “I invented the mRNA technology”, well, Stew does a way better job at explaining your work and impact it is having in causing deaths. Your mRNA. Let’s be serious now. He seeks and wants answers about the mRNA. We all do. So work with the guy to help inform the nation. You have done good, we need your help. This gene injection is a bioweapon and I know it, Stew knows it, millions know it. You know it. Just that folk like Stew and I walk with the type of balls, and Trump and folk like that, like McCullough, and Risch, and Ladapo and Urso and Jeff Tucker etc., big church bell seeds and stones to wake people up…Kirsch has the balls but lacks the passion of Stew but both make a good team as we saw in the video. Alex Jones got the nuts and the passion and needs no one to wage this battle.

So how about you step back, hug Stew, understand him, and join him. I am sure he will welcome you in the battle. In fact, I know he interviewed you too. I think I even see you back there behind the monitor reaching out now to hug Stew, come on, you could do it!

It’s his show, he can do what he wants. So what if Alex Jones offends people and you. He offends me too at times. But I love lots of what he does, I think he is a good man, he does it better than most. Left-wing radicals are attempting to destroy Alex Jones via the court system! This is wrong for if his first amendment goes down in flames, so will yours and ours! If people find him disgusting, do not listen, this is America, still it is a free nation (I hope). Do not listen if you are upset and get the vapors and he insults you and your sensibilities and angers you. Point is, if you infringe on his free speech they will take yours next. Musk is also wrong to bring back others on that piece of garbage crap Twitt** and not Alex. Musk is playing politics and we have learnt lots about Musk so far with this one deal and step, he is more of a political guy, this is about money to him, not rights and freedoms. It’s a toy and those of you hooked on Twitt**, go get a life.

First of all, huge praise and hugs to Dr. Malone for you joining us in this battle. You joined the A team and you did good coming on board. You have helped us, and for those who have not said ‘thank you’, I say it with huge admiration, respect, and appreciation. You did good for us.

But I am concerned for your piece on Stew Peters below that is the subject of my response, as it seems very ‘Emily Osterisk AMNESTYisk’….hhhmmmm, I am thus confused by what you wrote in your piece and I highlight one paragraph that is shocking in terms of what it implies. I basically says ‘surrender’.

That, you will NEVER get. Maybe you were not clear and so I leave you to clarify what you meant. Again, huge hugs and praise Sir.

I write this musing or opinion and send it first out of love and gracious mercy and praise. Deep respect. Yet to anyone who wishes to wear a pink poissy hat as Dr. Malone suggests as they engage in the anti-lockdown lunacy pushback and anti-COVID fraud, failed, and harmful injection battle.

I say wrong Dr. Malone, wrong approach, ‘bone-headed’ (Obama liked that term ‘bone-headed’ so I will use it, note, he was one of the most divisive and failed POTUSs ever, did nothing for African Americans and in fact Trump did more for blacks and minorities in one year than what Obama failed to do in 8 years!) with this enemy, I say take it off, take off the pink hat, it is the wrong approach, we are going up in there RAMBO styling, Mandingo styling; we have an enemy to tear up figuratively as we MUST strip these alphabet health agencies down to the very studs (CDC, FDA, NIH etc.) and fumigate them and fire 100 across all agencies top down. Move them logistically to northern Alaska or on Alcatraz. These agency IMO malfeasants have had life and jobs too easy, they must now work for that salary. Then investigate and jail some. Once shown with proper judges etc. that they costed lives, then jail them long and hard!

This is one paragraph of many in this particular substack by Dr. Malone that are IMO questionable. No, I do not mean the ‘mass formation’. Separate debate. This one in particular (as placed below in bold print and enlarged) is flat out wrong. I do not defend Stew or Alex (no need to) yet know that the legal verdict and that monetary award is a terrible precedent on Alex Jones and if we stand by and cheer, we are lighting our own funeral pyres. You too will fall victim to what you cheer on today, because you were ‘offended’ by Alex Jones. I find his comments not optimal at times but so are many of what we say. We are frauds and liars to walk around with hubris when we do even worse and we know it. We are duplicitous.

I just ask you Robert to stop, stop this, stop attacking people. You tip towed around Kirsch yet hammered Stew? Yet Kirsch was a major part of the documentary and had to embrace and believe the content. Is it a money thing? You think Kirsch has a bigger following than Stew? Then you have no clue who Stew Peters is and his following. That is ‘real America, real fly over country’ Stew speaks to. How could you insult Stew yet praise Kirsh and it is laughable and you lost credibility right there.

You were willing to attack Ardis too, a good man, a great intellect, I know him, a great parent, great human being. Who cares about the snake venom bull shit? Most of what he says normally is correct. Where were you on Remdesivir when he was waging scientific jihad on Fauci et al. for it as standard of care while it was killing people? Ardis did mor to save lives with his Remdesivir than most, I argue even you. I know the science and who does and did what.

What you don’t get is that if 95% of what someone says is true yet 5% is wrong or misstated or hyperbole, you attack the 5% if you ‘don’t like them’. And you think that is ok. But you write in hyperbole too and many factual errors. So do I. The reason why I am blunt is because I don’t want your money or substack followers, I make my own. I could not care less if you cite my work or call out my name in a stack. If you slam my stack I will respond. I do not appreciate this game now being played in substack and openly with ‘good’ people who simply wish to be in the fight and to do some good too. You or I do not own the space. I even was questioning Berenson but will not anymore. I understand him more now though disagree with him most of the time and his attacks on Wolf were putrid and uncalled for and wrong. Yet he is right to come at you all for you all do the same thing, in a twisted way.

You and others are engaging in character warfare and hurting others who like you, just wish to make a living too and eat some food. Only you must eat? You do not make gross errors? You do not misspeak? Come on, stop this, let us all unite and work together!

You joined the fight late. You are trying to make yourself the leader of the fight and freedom warriors and resistance to the COVID wrongs, but you are not.

It was Stew Peters and Alex Jones who started the fight with us, with me, McCullough, Risch, Urso, Ladapo, Kennedy, Jeff Tucker (when at AIER before heading up Brownstone) etc. Jenny Beth Martin. You were nowhere to be found. Nowhere. We never heard of you. Nothing on our initial war on lockdowns and on school closures or on early treatment. Nothing from you. The literature and rallies are clear. Nothing from you when we were hammering away on this fraud failed COVID gene injection and as you say uses mRNA technology you were involved with. So in a sense you too have questions to answer. In this I agree with Berenson. All we heard of is this person saying “I invented synthetic mRNA etc.” para. So this is your claim to fame yet no one questions you. Not good. I welcome you to the medical resistance freedom movement fight and you are my senior and I respect you greatly and am inspired too by you and we need every solider but you are not the leader of this fight, never was, will not be, and are very welcomed to the table as are everyone but please stop the fighting.

Risch and McCullough, Ladapo, and Urso started this with folk like Fareed, Tyson, Armstrong, Littell etc. And me. Yes, me. Jenny Beth Martin. Kennedy was here when you were not. Thank you Robert for joining. I/we love you. But you joined us, we did not join you and yes, Stew and Alex were two media platforms who first had us on and helped us make the case of the lockdown lunacy and fraud vaccines when legacy media would not. Not you. Again, you are a late starter and bloomer, and I thank you. You did good for the cause. We all do thank you. But that is about it. Give credit where it is deserved. Stop going after people like Stew Peters, we need him, with all his imperfections, as I and all of us have. It is his heart that matters and that he loves nation, flag, military, law and order, justice, right and wrong.

I love you man, but ask you respectfully, to stop on Stew and all. I am a nobody and humbled to be here and to be in the fight. I wish to remain so. Respectful of who are the leaders and my role as a soldier. A simple solider. I do not like anyone who engages in moves akin to stolen valor. You should not use your platform to handle your grievances. You used your substack to attack people and to attack Stew and someone I think is a far greater warrior than most in this fight, his ‘shock and awe’ approach is critical for this is what it will take. If you do not like his approach, talk to him etc. (privately) or as I do, sit back and say ‘hhhmm, that’s different’. Please keep your battles private.

Now to this paragraph you wrote:

“For what its worth, I hold “our side” to higher standards than I have come to expect from corporate (broadcast and published) media. I reject the assertion that, on the battlefield of the current 21st century unrestricted media and information war which we are immersed in, it is acceptable to employ the tactics of our opponents. I have heard others in the medical resistance community advocate the schoolyard “logic” of “they are doing it to us, and so we have to do it to them”. I firmly reject this. Any “win” on the information war battlefield which is based on this type of rationale will be transitory and self defeating. It is not a win if we become one with the ethics of our opponents.”

Why this statement by you Dr. Malone is very ‘Emily Oster ISTIC and problematical and concerning is because:

i)we are in the middle of a war (a real war, information war, whatever they call it, yet people have died due to actions taken) and so we use every tactic the enemy uses and more and we eviscerate them and clean them out; we fight war to win, not to chat or make friends. We even kiss and make up after yet in the battle, it’s balls to the walls and RAMBO. We return fire (figuratively in this type of battle) and more, much more!

ii)in order to fight, we have to match the enemy and in order to win, we have to employ similar and better, stronger, and overwhelm them, leave no quarter, no room to breathe or move and put that boot on the neck and not let them up figuratively. We destroy as they seek to destroy us. They seek to destroy America and our children and we must save her. They have costed lives so we must ensure justice and accountability in proper legal forums and there is no way to fight this but with overwhelmingly tactics.

Do you suggest based on the destruction to societies, lost lives among business owners, laid off employees, our children etc., who killed themselves due to the lockdown lunacy, that we have discussions with them, the enemy? That we work it out that way is the way to go? No, then you would be Professor Emily Oster seeking ‘AMNESTY’. There will be no such thing! No room for that here. Not on our watch. We seek proper justice. In proper legal tribunals etc. and jail time! So if this fight and how we wage it is too much, then maybe you sit this out now.

iii)Art of War, Sun Tzu, please read it. Lots to learn there.

iv)we need to use a flame thrower napalm on them figuratively to stop them, that is the war we are in; brutal ‘death’ fight where they are trying to kill people literally; they have done with their fraud vaccine that used your mRNA technology. With devastating lockdowns. This is RAMBO war, we need mandingos now to go at the enemy. Fearless, taking no prisoners.

v)if you prefer pink poissy hat wearing men and women in this battle, pusillanimous people, I suggest to you to step out, go back to the fence and read a while as we handle business, and we will call you when it is done, when we have fully handled business. Figuratively speaking. But with our victory in hand.

vi)You wrote that stack in a manner as if you have the moral high-ground and elevated yourself; high-ground over who? Who gave you that distinction and title? Telling us how to wage this battle. But the way you wrote it will ensure we lose. I am thus concerned and stunned. Whose side are you on? Why put ‘our side’ in air quotes? Are you on our side fully or partially?

vii) This is a very critical time in world history and you should not be attacking people this way. We have to all come together and work towards bettering mankind. The enemy is focused, so let us focus more. The enemy is clear-eyed on their target, so we must be clear-eyed too, sensitized to them and it. If the enemy hits us once, we hit them 25 times and eviscerate them, whomever they are.

viii)Lots in that documentary ‘Died Suddenly’ is accurate. I too see some hyperbole and some looseness, but I will not say it is wrong and poor or not credible. I love it! We need more of it!

ix) In this battle against the COVID pandemic wrongs, we must unify our actions to save lives, stop the tyranny, stop the censorship, and bring to trial those who did wrong. If they did wrong and it is shown in proper legal inquiries, their money must be taken and they must be jailed! From Fauci, Birx, Azar, Bourla, Francis Collins, all, all in Trump and Biden administration who did wrong. And it is properly and legally shown in proper tribunals. They conspired against Trump and hurt his pandemic response and re-election.

I am miffed by your stack for it is clear your disdain for Stew yet again, he was in the fight day one when you were not. He IMO has done more for he may not be a MD, but he has had us all on his show and carries (handles) the questions and technicality as he should. He is intelligent and is informed. His passion is infectious, love of nation, flag. Your views on him are known. I do not need to know why the dislike, but we are in a battle and you have no more right than he to be waging in this battle and to be afforded this room to hammer him or anyone. No one does. This must stop. We have one goal, to fix things and I plead with you to help us, help us unite to achieve victory.

To close, the battle we wage is with the wrongful policy makers who are taking lives with the lockdowns and vaccine. Who devastated us and killed our parents and children with lunacy. The battle is not amongst us advocates and freedom fighters who are in the fight. So let us stop, let us unite. Stew is no enemy nor is Alex Jones or Steve Kirsch. We need each other. Now is the time to unite and you can be a leader in helping this unity if you do not mind. We have a nation to save and a vaccine to stop in our kids.

This is not a left or right thing, a republican or democrat thing. This is a right vs wrong thing, a ‘nation saving’ thing. This is a ‘saving our children’ thing. All hands on deck and I suggest you solve your issues side bar with Stew and just come to the table to wage war. With love and inclusion and support. I know you, I respect you, I admire you. I want you to help us and not stop.

Know your enemy.

Substack: Sins of Information Warfare

Do the sins of our opposition wash our own sins clean?


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