Yes black life matters just as much, and the black baby matters just as much in the womb, and yes, all lives matter, ALL, 'lives of our unborn children are as or more important to fight for and save'
by Paul Alexander
Yes, they all matter, each and every one...they have blurred the line as to when life begins, NO, it does not begin at 9 months...they have played around with definition of 'life'...HORROR
We fight for the lives of all our unborn children, and protect them, equally…we have to have this urgent debate and lets have it and let us respect all involved, but never ever forget, we have a life involved that no one seems to want to protect…that gets lost in the insanity and politics, of the unborn, the developing child in utero, and someone has to defend the vulnerable unborn child…who? is it you? are you prepared to? who defends the developing child????
We start from there IMO and then discuss…again, very difficult, painful for there is so much tragedy involved to woman (mother), man (father), but mainly the developing child who is lost…to me, before we discuss, we must re-center the nuclear family and the father in the home, put him back there, stop denigrating the man, the father….a key part of the discussion, and needs a culture shift for men to know they must father their children by being there, by raising them….no more men who impregnate and walk away, no, this is devastating on the young boy or girl growing up…the father has a massively important role and courts too must stop immediately discounting and sidelining…give the man his rightful place in the lives of his children, do not make the man fight to see and experience his children, adults must find the way to work things out for the psychological well-being of their children FIRST…think about the children first! …there are so many wrong things here to fix, IMO not just the abortion issue. we have deep societal issues IMO and again, I have my opinions and we have to not discount anyone’s views…this is such a difficult matter but no one makes sense anymore for it is pure politics now…and very painful and catastrophic for the woman involved…
So much I want to say and I am no expert on Roe v Wade…I have my opinions and that's all they are.