How Deadly Were the Covid Lockdowns? For Americans under 45, there were more excess deaths without the virus in 2020-21 than with it (Arnott & Mulligan); Covid-19 is deadly, but so were the draconian

by Paul Alexander

steps taken to mitigate it; No time is too soon to acknowledge and begin to alleviate the collateral damage from Covid policies; excess deaths 2021 & 2022 & 2023 may be due to vaccine & lockdowns

‘What are non-Covid excess deaths? During the pandemic, deaths from accidents, overdoses, alcoholism and homicide all soared, as did deaths from hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. From April 2020 through December 2021, deaths from Covid averaged 350,000 a year for Americans 65 and older, 100,000 a year for those 45 to 64, and 20,000 a year for those 18 to 44. That produced excess deaths for these age groups of 16%, 19% and 11% respectively. (The percentages reflect the lower base death rate for younger age groups as well as the raw numbers.)

…If the pandemic response had to involve wholesale disruption of ordinary life, the public-health community should have been actively monitoring its effects on the millions of Americans we knew suffered from drug addiction, diabetes and many other potentially lethal health conditions. No time is too soon to acknowledge and begin to alleviate the collateral damage from Covid policies.’

‘In a paper we just published in Inquiry, based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we found that “non-Covid excess deaths” totaled nearly 100,000 a year in 2020 and 2021.’