EUROSTAT: Excess mortality in EU+12% in August 2022 compared with peak of +16% recorded in July, which was the highest value on record to date in 2022 & unusually high for the month of July

by Paul Alexander

This comes after both May and June 2022 recorded +7% of the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019; key message, virus is flat, so either delayed treatment or VACCINE; what say you?

So it is the heat? We could argue that the virus (or pathogen or something) contributed to the increase in deaths beyond baseline or expected in 2020, and we can argue that it was the accumulation of deaths due to delayed critical treatment as well as virus in 2020 and 2021; but in 2022, the virus is flat and cannot account for the excess deaths. What then is it? I argue the impact of the COVID gene injection as do others. What do you think? What are we missing? Is it the heat?

Excess mortality in the EU fell to +12% in August 2022 compared with the peak of +16% recorded in July, which was the highest value on record to date in 2022 and unusually high for the month of July. This comes after both May and June 2022 recorded +7% of the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019.

Although not as dramatic as the difference recorded in July 2022 compared with July 2020 and 2021 (+16% compared with +3% and +6%, respectively), the August 2022 value still shows an increase compared with August 2020 and 2021 (+8% and +9%, respectively). Based on the available information, some of the mortality increase in July and August 2022 compared to the same month of the past two years may be due to the heatwaves that have affected parts of Europe during the reference period.’