DIED SUDDENLY again? Belgian goalkeeper dies after reportedly collapsing on field following penalty save; why is the media silent? Is this again vaccine-induced silent myocarditis causing death?

by Paul Alexander

Is the surge due to adrenaline on the field, in stressful situations, the cause, bathing a myocarditis scarred heart? Causing cardiac death? IMO it seems so unless myocarditis is ruled out & vaccine



‘A Belgian goalkeeper died suddenly during a match on Saturday at the age of 25.

Arne Espeel, who plays for Winkel Sport B in the second provincial division of West Brabant in Belgium, reportedly collapsed after he saved a penalty shot against Westrozebeke 15 minutes into the second half of the game. Emergency services were unable to resuscitate Espeel and he was pronounced dead soon after he was taken to the hospital. The game was stopped.

"Winkel Sport is in very deep mourning by the sudden death of Arne Espeel," the club said in a statement. "We wish family and friends of Arne our heartfelt condolences in this heavy loss. Football is an afterthought."''