Karen Kingston's (The Kingston Report) response to the attacks on Stew Peters & the video 'Died Suddenly'; Kingston is tremendous here & echoes what I have stated and over the target, great job Karen!

by Paul Alexander

Stew achieved what he set out to do IMO and there is lots of great information in the video; if we begin down the road as doing here, then same standard must be applied everywhere

The Kingston Report
The Film 'Died Suddenly' Lacks Scientific Evidence that COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Mysterious Blood Clots, according to Forbes
Stew Peters’ documentary Died Suddenly premiered on Monday, November 21, 2022, and has reached over 10 million views in less than one week. Despite its success, the film has been met with less than rave reviews from the mainstream media and even some harsh critique from the alternative media and expert influencers…
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See my prior substack on this issue based on Malone’s request that we take off the gloves as we fight the COVID lockdown lunatic enemies, the globalists, the malfeasants. I strongly disagree, they are killing left right and center. Their actions killed. We do not kill, we never become them, but we match them and more, we ensure we get justice and jail them all and we fight hard and relentless:

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter
Dr. Robert Malone is not exactly correct in his substack; hmmm, is Malone going 'Emily Oster AMNESTY on us? IMO if one cannot meet the enemy toe to toe & more, stay on the fence & out of the fight
This paragraph in Malone’s piece is the subject of my substack and will be dealt with down below after my open: “For what its worth, I hold “our side” to higher standards than I have come to expect from corporate (broadcast and published) media. I reject the assertion that, on the battlefield of the current 21st century unrestricted media and information…
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