BRITISH AIRWAYS (BA) TRAGEDY: Veteran British Airways pilot collapses and dies shortly before he was due to captain a full packed passenger jet; did this pilot die due to the mRNA technology based
by Paul Alexander
gene injection vaccine? What would have happened if he died at 35,000 feet? Would commotion of inflight death caused other pilots to panic and crash? Are pilots at risk due to the VACCINE?
Why not demand that airlines etc. rule out myocarditis (silent) due to the mRNA technology based COVID gene injection via D-dimers, high-sensitivity troponin test, EKG, gadolinium contrast chest MRI? Before putting pilots in the cockpit.
‘A BRITISH Airways pilot collapsed and died shortly before he was due to captain a packed jet.
Heroic colleagues attempted to save the pilot after he collapsed in the hotel (stock image)Credit: Alamy
The pilot managed to get from his room to the foyer, where colleagues performed CPR on him.
A source told The Sun: “It has rocked BA. It doesn’t bear imagining if he had suffered a heart attack at 30,000ft.”
Airline bosses delayed the scheduled flight the captain was set to fly back to Heathrow airport last week.
Passengers were oblivious to the reason behind their wait.’