ISRAEL says OMICRON can get them to herd immunity; YES; this article has several correct statements and some wrong statements; but on the right track; MAIN issue is COVID is DONE! COVID is OVER!
by Paul Alexander
ENDEMICITY here we come! FOREVER boosting plans are thwarted! The 'opportunity-costs' to vaccinating; the cost was loss of natural immunity/herd immunity but OMICRON is re-establishing the OPPORTUNITY
HAPPY NEW YEAR as we re-engage to wage this battle, you wonderful people. I am so honored to be in this with you! To be able to share knowing you are as, or more in tuned and informed than I and all those talking head idiotic inept television medical experts. All these illogical reckless governments.
See, now people are beginning to understand what we always knew, what I argued for and was smeared for, that innate/natural immunity is and was our way out of this, from April 2020, not lockdowns, not these harmful ineffective vaccines. OWS was a pure failure. No matter how much POTUS Trump and others want to say it was successful, it is a catastrophic failure. Never needed and now harmful. It must be stopped.
I do not think Fauci, Walensky, Collins, and Pfizer's Bourla and the craven lockdown lunatics are gonna like this; OMICRON is thwarting plans of FOREVER boosting
In the media piece below, the main correct and incorrect statements are:
“A surge of Omicron infections could see Israel reaching herd immunity” This is a correct statement
“Deaths, however, have not risen in kind, bringing hope the new variant is less lethal.” This is correct
"The cost will be a great many infections," …This is a wrong statement, this is actually the ‘opportunity’ and benefit of OMICRON; a gift
“This is possible but we don't want to reach it by means of infections, we want it to happen as a result of many people vaccinating," he said.” This is a wrong statement as you do want people to get to natural immunity and herd immunity NOT via vaccine immunity if safe life-long natural immunity is possible
"We have to be very cautious with this particularly in light of our experience over the past two years in which we saw people who have recovered (from coronavirus) be re-infected," This is a wrong statement, as re-infection remains rare and limited and often faulty diagnosis initially or currently (flawed PCR testing)
“Ash is considering allowing a fourth vaccine dose for people over 60,” This is a very troubling statement for you are giving a 4th booster when the 3rd failed. Why? When the vaccine carries adverse effects? What is the benefit when data is even showing waning in as rapid a time as 4 weeks. Evidence is that OMICRON symptoms are mild even for elderly, with no treatment needed
It is not infection/case numbers but if this translates to hospitalizations, ICU, and death…the data says NO
Can we say natural immunity is breached with OMICRON? No, else we would be seeing severe illness and deaths; IMO natural immunity has held, along with innate immunity doing its job
See actual report here:
Maayan Lubell
Sun., January 2, 2022, 3:37 a.m.
By Maayan Lubell
JERUSALEM (Reuters) -A surge of Omicron infections could see Israel reaching herd immunity, the country's top health official said on Sunday as daily cases continued to climb.
The highly transmissible Omicron variant has brought a surge in coronavirus cases across the globe. Worldwide infections have hit a record high, with an average of just over a million cases detected a day between Dec. 24 and 30, according to Reuters data. Deaths, however, have not risen in kind, bringing hope the new variant is less lethal.
Until late December, Israel managed to stave off Omicron to some degree but with infection rates now gaining pace, daily cases are expected to reach record highs in the coming three weeks. This could result in herd immunity, said director-general of the health ministry, Nachman Ash.
"The cost will be a great many infections," Ash told 103FM Radio. "The numbers will have to be very high in order to reach herd immunity. This is possible but we don't want to reach it by means of infections, we want it to happen as a result of many people vaccinating," he said.
Herd immunity is the point at which a population is protected from a virus, either through vaccination or by people having developed antibodies by contracting the disease.
Around 60% of Israel's 9.4 million population are fully vaccinated - almost all with Pfizer /BioNTech'S vaccine - according to the health ministry, which means they have either received three doses or have had their second dose recently. But hundreds of thousands of those eligible for a third inoculation have so far not taken it.
Around 1.3 million coronavirus cases have been documented in Israel since the start of the pandemic. But between two to four million people may well be infected by the end of January when the Omicron wave could subside, according to Eran Segal, data scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and an adviser to the government.
Head of the health ministry's coronavirus taskforce, Salman Zarka, said herd immunity was far from guaranteed.
"We have to be very cautious with this particularly in light of our experience over the past two years in which we saw people who have recovered (from coronavirus) be re-infected," Zarka told Ynet TV.
Over the past ten days, daily infections have more than quadrupled. Severe cases have also climbed but at a far lower rate, rising from about 80 to around 100.
Watching severe morbidity closely, Ash is considering allowing a fourth vaccine dose for people over 60, following its approval last week for immune-compromised and elderly people in care homes.