John Leake warns 'Get Ready For a Big Marburg Scare, Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex propagandists activated following reports from Equatorial Guinea & Tanzania'; I agree 100%, this is fear porn & bogus

by Paul Alexander

Nice read and John raises key issues to be considered in this era of lies and falsehoods told to us by any government official. These people are criminals, criminals for what they did with COVID lies

Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Get Ready For a Big Marburg Scare
By JOHN LEAKE On April 6, 2023, the CDC issued a report “to increase awareness of the risk of imported cases in the United States” following Marburg Virus Disease Outbreaks in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania. “This is a problem – this unprecedented outbreak of the Marburg virus in two different countries,” said Paul Hunter, an epidemiologist at the University of East Anglia…
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On April 6, 2023, the CDC issued a report “to increase awareness of the risk of imported cases in the United States” following Marburg Virus Disease Outbreaks in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania.

“There has been an acceleration in the number of Marburg virus outbreaks over recent years,” added Cesar Munoz-Fontela, a specialist in tropical infectious diseases at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg.

Equatorial Guinea is a perfect place for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex to operate and do and say whatever it pleases because its government is one of the most corrupt in the world. President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is surely one of the most bizarre heads of state in history. According to a BBC report in July of 2003, state-operated radio declared Obiang "the country's god" with "all power over men and things." It added that the president was "in permanent contact with the Almighty" and "can decide to kill without anyone calling him to account and without going to hell." He also has a funny quirk of ending public speeches by well-wishing himself instead of the nation.

According to a 2010 Forbes report, the President gets the lion’s share of the country’s $3 billion per annum oil revenue (from massive offshore deposits) and had deposited approximately $700 million in US Banks. Like President George W. Bush’s friend, Prince Bandar Al Saud, Mbasogo had a special relationship with the now defunct Riggs Bank in Washington D.C.—the nation’s top money laundering institution, which channeled payments to some of the Sept. 11, 2001 hijackers.

Where there is a stew of corruption (in places like Ukraine, Equatorial Guinea, and Washington D.C.) you will find the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex setting up shop. But I digress. Back to Marburg.’