Is the COVID virus spike protein S1 sub-unit (& thus mRNA technology vaccine induced spike) capable of inducing fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis? Yes, Grobbelaar et al.'s research tells us this;
by Paul Alexander
what are the implications for microclot formation in COVID patients and critically, those in receipt of the mRNA technology vaccine?
‘Studied ‘the effect of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit as potential inflammagen sui generis. Using scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy as well as mass spectrometry, we investigate the potential of this inflammagen to interact with platelets and fibrin(ogen) directly to cause blood hypercoagulation. Using platelet-poor plasma (PPP), we show that spike protein may interfere with blood flow. Mass spectrometry also showed that when spike protein S1 is added to healthy PPP, it results in structural changes to β and γ fibrin(ogen), complement 3, and prothrombin. These proteins were substantially resistant to trypsinization, in the presence of spike protein S1…
suggest that, in part, the presence of spike protein in circulation may contribute to the hypercoagulation (clotting) in COVID-19 positive patients and may cause substantial impairment of fibrinolysis…
findings can be extrapoltaed to those in receipt of COVID vaccine.
Such lytic impairment may result in the persistent large microclots we have noted here and previously in plasma samples of COVID-19 patients.’