COVID Bivalent booster vaccine effectiveness (VE) 'FAILS' again & Shrestha et al. shows us this: "Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine"; VE of 30% (95% CI 20-39%)
by Paul Alexander
Multivariable analyses also found that the greater the number of vaccine doses previously received the greater the risk of COVID
Mass vaccination into a pandemic across all age groups and ‘rapid’ mass vaccination at that, while there is massive infectious pressure (circulating virus trying to infect the population) and using a non-neutralizing vaccine whereby the virus has become largely resistant to the vaccine induced antibodies (now non-sterilizing, non-neutralizing so does not stop infection, replication, or transmission), then selection pressure (natural selection) will select for the most fittest infectious variants that would become enriched in the environment and now become the dominant variants e.g. BQ.1.1 now replaces BA.5. There is original antigenic sin (OAS and I call it ‘mortal’ antigenic sin as the fixation cannot be reversed and prejudices the sub-optimal antibody response ‘life-long’) (immune priming and imprinting based on the initial prime or exposure), viral immune escape, and antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADEI) and disease (ADED).
This is what this study shows. OAS.
Overall, a key message is that they bivalent booster is at most 30% effective at preventing infection. This is a pure failure and does not even reach the 50% effectiveness threshold requested by WHO. The data appears to show an incremental infection risk based on the number of doses (3 times more risk with 3 or greater doses) (Table 2). Risk of infection goes up as one gets additional doses.
The following figure 2 is also key and it is a plot comparing the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 for subjects stratified by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. As you see, those with no shots (0) performed best (lowest cumulative incidence of infection).