Italy: man reports having sex with men, tests positive for HIV, monkeypox (MP), and COVID virus all at once; after being admitted, the patient reported that he had unprotected sex with men during stay

by Paul Alexander

data shows that about 40% of persons testing positive for monkeypox are HIV positive; CDC & WHO & Walensky & Fauci et al. continue to mislead & confuse the GAY population, driving MP expansion


Monkeypox is spread through close contact with infectious material from skin lesions, objects contaminated with the virus, seminal fluids and secretions from the throat. Most of the cases recorded in the most recent wave of infection have been reported among men who had sex with men.

After being admitted, the patient reported that he had unprotected sex with men during his stay in Spain. He was tested for monkeypox and tested positive for the West African variant of the virus, which has been found to be responsible for the outbreak in Spain.

Serology tests that were conducted for viral hepatitis, herpes simplex, gonorrhea, chlamydia and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) after he was admitted to the hospital returned negative, but he did test positive for HIV-1 with a viral load of 234,000 copies per milliliter of blood, which is considered high. His CD4 lymphocyte (a type of white blood cell) count was still average.

Additionally, as this is the only reported case of monkeypox, SARS-CoV-2 and HIV co-infection, it is unclear if this combination aggravates the patient's condition.’